"You" Punch "Piece" Smash "Of shit" Crack.

Through the fiery chaos I spotted my uncle, his body straddling Thomas as he punched him repeatedly. His anger clear as his punches shattered his brother's face, my focus was glued to them. I executed anyone who dared close to Matt until my uncle dropped to the floor, Thomas switching their roles as he got the upper hand.

Our people were slowly inching out the gates as the enemies slowly dropped one by one, but my focus wasn't on them. I sprinted as I wrapped my gun across me, launching myself onto Thomas's back. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he slowly released Matt from his hold, my uncle was coughing up blood and I knew this wasn't his fight anymore; I had to finish this.

His fingers clawed at my grip as his breathing slowed, but I should have known his next move; he taught me it. My body was swung over his head and my back collided with the harsh concrete; I groaned clutching my side as he sent his boot flying into my ribcage. I was certain he'd broken my rib, but even through the pain I wasn't finished.

"You piece of shit" I spat as I jumped up, holding my knife firmly in my hand as I looked into the eyes that once were my childhood.

"We can still end this Katie" he begged for any spark of hope still left in me, but all there was, was emptiness. I felt nothing but hate for this man.

"Yeah we can" Sighing I held my knife over my head passing through the pain in my side, the same way he taught me when I was a kid. Closing my eyes as I let the blade fly through the air, I opened my eyes when I heard his scream as the blade sliced through his collarbone and into his chest. But I hadn't noticed he'd done the same until I felt the piercing of my skin, my hand flying to my shoulder as fresh blood poured out.

The handle of the blade was sticking out while the metal was embedded into my skin, but still I couldn't face it, all I could feel was the anger.

I could hear my name being screamed through the chaos, but I could wipe my eyes from his, his body slowly sinking to the ground as he gripped onto the blood seeping through his shirt. "I didn't think you had it in you" But the thing is he was right, I didn't hit anything fatal. Sure the wound would kill him, but I didn't want to be here to watch him die.

"Me either" I took one last look at him as I pulled his knife from my shoulder.

But as I turned around to walk I heard the click of a gun, and everything happened in slow motion. Carter appeared in front of me pulling me out of harm's way as I turned to see my father aiming a pistol at me.

Sandra walked out beside us with wrath written across her face "This is for Andrew" she said coldly as she let a bullet fly, the metal piercing his chest. But not before his firearm went off; we all looked around checking ourselves for wounds but none.


That voice. That soft voice. Tears were already building when I turned around and saw her.

Melanie. Her hand was cradling her stomach as dark red liquid poured through her fingers, her strength failing at pushing against her skin. I cried a bloodcurdling scream as I raced to her, catching her body in mine before she could reach the concrete.

"No. no. no" I sobbed as I pushed my hands against her abdomen but there was too much, her ocean blue eyes stared into mine as her skin flushed white. "I'm not ready to say goodbye yet, I only just got you back".

My blood-soaked hands cupped her face leaving red prints along her fair skin "I'm so glad we found each other Katie" the girl coughed "I love you" my tears were pooling against her skin "I need to say goodbye to him" she managed through sobs.

Carter had wrapped himself around my back as the gunfire died down, he held me as I screamed watching the life drain from my friend, her breaths growing faint with each passing moment. "I'm so sorry Mel. I love you" Rocking back and forth I cradled her until Brent fell to my side, his arms scooping her small body into his own.

"Hey beautiful" he whispered as he pushed the damp hair from his face, his eyes were pooling with tears, but he didn't let her see it.

She was weak as blood swam from her mouth "I'm so glad I met you. But you need to promise me, after this don't shut off" My best friend cried as she reached a shaky hand to his face, swiping a tear from his cheek "You need to be strong and look after my girl for me. I love you Brent".

"I love you Melanie" But the words broke him. He let a deep scream rip across the war field as her blue eyes dimmed, her body falling limp in his arms as he pulled her into his chest.

"Mel?" I looked at her motionless body in his arms. I wasn't ready for this; this was too much "No. Please don't go" My eyes were blurry as my cries grew louder, my voice cracking against the strain.

I stood up lifelessly, pulling myself from Carter's grip and walked over to Thomas. He was barely alive, holding his chest as blood seeped through the bullet wound. The man looked at me but couldn't speak through the thick liquid building in his throat.

"You deserve this, she didn't. I hope you rot in hell" I cried. My gun was held up under my shaky hands as I aimed it at his head. He did this. He did all of this. I closed my eyes pulling in a sharp breath and pulled the trigger, not bothering to watch as the darkness drained from him.

The moment the last of his life exited his body his people ran, disappearing in every direction leaving only death and betrayal in their wake.


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