Talk to me

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"Did you hear that?" Matt's movements stilled as we walked through the abandoned town, it could have been a growler, but he swore he heard a scream. Matt and his hero complex had to go check out the strange sound.

Two months without Katie felt like hell, we'd spent every waking moment looking for her, but it was like she vanished into thin air. At the start we tracked her rushed footprints to an entering in the forest until we came across a graveyard of dismembered bodies, they weren't just killed, they were mutilated.

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she'd left us without even a word, and I was angry, as much as I tried not to be.

The girl who I grew to love, who forced me to open up couldn't do the same for me. Instead she ran. Matt and I had our differences, but both our priorities were her, and we would move heaven and hell to make sure she was okay.

I knew if we found her things wouldn't be the same, after the things she'd been through she wouldn't be the same girl and I didn't know what that meant for us.

"This way" The man ushered towards the huge warehouse where he heard the noise, I headed in first while he checked the ground floor. I knew it was probably nothing but his mind playing tricks on him, but I held my bow in defence as I made my way up the concrete staircase.

The moment I stepped onto the top floor I heard a fight, a girl screaming in the background as a man grunted in pain. When I poked my head around the door frame the first thing that caught my attention was a body laying on the floor, a metal knife sticking from his eye socket. It wasn't the body that shocked me but the knife, the same carvings in the leather as the ones Katie used.

Aiming down the sight of the bow I turned the corner, focusing my spike into the head of a large man, his fists clenched at his side as he stalked forward. I didn't think twice before letting the arrow fly and hitting my target through the back of his dark hair.

The moment his body sunk I saw her.

Katie still looked as beautiful as I remembered, except her dark locks were now hanging above her shoulders, her pale skin glistening under the darkness of the room. I waited for this moment for what felt like an eternity and now it was here, I froze. Her lips parted to say something, but nothing came out. I tried but my voice was gone.

Matt stormed past me taking her in his embrace, but her ocean blue eyes were focused on me, staring through my soul until I felt like I couldn't breathe. Katie moved closer once her uncle released her to hug the other girl, but I couldn't do this, I needed air and I needed it fast.

My lungs were shallow and quick as I tried to inhale the fresh air of the roof, my heart beating out of my chest as I gripped my shirt. I knew I was having a panic attack, and I couldn't do nothing to stop it. All I wanted was to take her in my arms and never let her go, but my mind wouldn't let me.

I collapsed to the floor with my head leaning against my knees as I focused my breathing.

"Carter?" Her voice was angelic as it sung from behind me, but still I said nothing. "Please talk to me" her words were stumbled as she slumped behind me, sitting a few meters back.

Katie let out a sigh but stayed mute. We sat like it until the herd passed and when it did the silence still stuck. I was back to where I was when I met her; But this time I had no escape.

The days passed in a blue. Katie had told me about Melanie, and she was exactly how she described, but I hadn't said a word to her, I hadn't said a word to anyone.

By the time a week passed we made a small camp in an old trailer park. The girls took one trailer while me and Matt took the other, he tried his best to talk to me about it, but I shut him down straight away.

"Me and Melanie are going to scavenge water, we will be back by the time it gets dark" he left me alone with my thoughts. I didn't know if Katie went with them, and I had no intention of checking until I heard rattling sounding from the entry of the site.

The herd had changed its direction and was barging through the site as I inched closer towards Katie's trailer, as much as I didn't want to speak to her I wouldn't let her die. I may have fallen back into old habits, but I still loved the girl. Katie was slumped on the bed when I barged in, a tattered book between her hands as she popped her eyes over the cover to look at me.

"What's wrong?" Her eyes glistened as she watched me push furniture against the flimsy door.

"There's hundreds of them heading for us, get down and hide".


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