This was the point I realised this man was beyond fixing, I guess part of me always hoped he could go back to the man he was, but he was too far gone, and I can't believe I didn't see it the moment he killed Andy.

"You have until night to meet me back here, join me" My fists were turning white as I held back my anger with every bit of will power I had "If not, we will kill every single person you care about until its just you" Thomas knew where we lived, he found our haven.

My knife was held at his throat before I could release the breath I was holding, a line of blood trailing as I pushed the blade against his artery. "I wouldn't do that Katie, my people are surround us and if I don't make it out of here, Carter out there is the first person to say bye bye".

Before I knew it he was gone, and I was left to sit on the floor with my head between my knees as I sobbed, my body shaking, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Carter was shouting my name desperately, but everything was fading away as my breathing grew heavier.

"Katie, baby. Look at me" The boy practically screamed in my face breaking my trance as he picked me up from the floor and held me against his chest.

I looked at him with fear in my eyes, everything I loved was going to be taken away and there was nothing I could do to stop it. "We need to go home".

Carter raced home, the car ride there felt like minutes as we grew closer and all he could do was look at me and worry more. He tried to ask me, but I couldn't form the words, it was raw and harsh, a reality that I should have known was coming the second time my father found me.

The first thing the boy did was grab Matt and Mel; he knew if I needed anyone it would be them two. They all stared at me for answers, but what answers could I give them? Either I left to protect them, or everyone here could die, I didn't want to make the choice and I knew they wouldn't let me leave. Either way blood would be on my hands.

When I finished explaining everyone was in a state of shock; Matt had punched a hole through the wall behind us, Mel was on the verge of tears while Carter just held me. His arms wrapped around my shoulders as he cradled my head.

"I will kill him" Matt paced the concrete rubbing his bruised knuckles "You're not going Katie; I'll die before he even breathes the same air as you".

"I can't save us" My head was throbbing thinking over every possible outcome, and each came with death "he knows where we are, he has the people, the firepower. There are kids here, I can't risk all their lives for me".

We hadn't noticed Sandra and the rest of the group surrounding us until she spoke up "We don't need you to save us Katie, we followed you here because we trust you and you would do the same for us" I looked to each person and watched as they nodded their heads in agreement "You don't have to do this alone, we are all family, and we will fight for you".

Part of me wanted to go, at least I would know all these people would be safe, but I couldn't. looking around at these people ready to risk their lives for me I knew I had to fight, if we didn't what were we living for?.

Standing up I took Carter's hand in mine, gripping tightly "If we do this there's no going back, his people will come" They all stood strong, Matt taking my other hand while Melanie leaned into us. Brent at her side as they gripped to each other.

"Then let's get ready".

We had the whole day to prepare but as much as we were doing would never get us ready for what was coming; Extra metal sheets were placed around the fences and higher ground to give us extra coverage. Our gun stockpile wasn't big, but we had enough for at least one gun per person. Matt worked at the far end of the park making homemade explosives to rig outside, while me, Carter and Mel moved the cars out front to give us more vantage points.

"I'm so proud of you Katie" Melanie broke the silence as we sat in a parked car, her hand over mine "I don't know how you do it".

"I'm barely holding together Mel" I looked to her with wet eyes "How could he do all this, when I looked at him I saw nothing, he was like a ghost. I'm so scared".

"I know. I'm scared too, but all we can do is try. We are all behind you" Her rosy cheeks let a wide smile as she stared into the distance.

We stayed quiet for the remainder of the day, none of us had words, this could be our last day and none of us were prepared for that. By the time we were done the sun was setting and we knew we didn't have long, everybody was in place. We had guards on the top of the rollercoasters and higher rides with snipers, people placed at each point of the fences. Matt and I were by the gates because if anyone could talk Thomas out of this, it would be us.

Carter ran up to my side while Matt inched back to give us some space "Are you ready for this?" his calloused hands cupped my cheeks, I could help but lean into his touch, memorising the warmth of his hands.

"I don't think I could ever be ready for this" I looked into those hazel eyes I adored knowing this could be the last time "I'm so scared".

"I know baby. We are all here with you, but you are so much stronger than you think" I pressed my lips against his, relishing his touch as if it were a goodbye. Tears falling down my cheeks as we poured our hidden emotions into the kiss; This was inevitable, but all we could do was try "I love you so much" Carter pulled away first, pushing his head against mine.

"I love you" Was our last words as he stepped away, waiting until the last moment to let go of my hand as an emptiness filled me. I felt torn, but that is what would fuel me. I would do everything and everything to have peace with my family even if that meant killing my own father.

Matt joined me again, linking his hand with mine just as lights shone through the gates. He looked down to me taking in each one of my features as he squeezed my hand tighter "I'm with you. Always".

I looked back once more trailing my eyes over each one of our people, all ready to fight and I knew in that moment. No matter what happened today we would win.


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