Chapter 8

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It was a beautiful day, and Jungkook had been mesmerized by the beauty of the dawn. It had been hard to move away from the balcony overlooking the gardens. He felt at peace, albeit briefly. It was a moment he wanted to savor. Jimin was not to arrive for quite a while yet,  and he'd found himself dosing away at the balcony entrance. Something was soothing here; his heart felt at peace, and somehow, that particular spot made him feel as if things would be all right eventually, and he let himself be lulled into that ephemeral sense of comfort.

A gentle breeze caressed his skin when the omega opened his eyes; the leaves swung softly, and the rustle was music to his ears. Birds were singing, and it must be sometime late in the morning, he guessed, as he pulled himself away from the doorway. Jimin, unlike his usual self, was somehow late today. A knock on the door then nearly made the young omega jump out of his skin. Jimin or the soldiers never knocked. They simply barged in. and if that didn't happen, it simply wasn't them, and no sooner had the realization dawned upon the young omega that he ducked towards his bed, hurriedly grabbing his veil and putting it on. He did not know why it was so, but the way Jimin was always fussing about it and caring for it, carrying an extra. It did make it seem like some important royal tradition.

The worry made him feel woozy for a second, and the poor omega seated himself on the duvet to calm down. Taking a long breath, he replied in a serene tone, " Come in ."

And came in the two beautiful gentlemen from the last day. Jin dressed in purple, and Joon dressed in green.

Green is his color. He could not help but think. He could not help but relate Joon to all things he liked. The commander was adorable, mannered, soft-spoken, humble, loved his plants, openly cared for things he loved and had the cutest dimples the omega had ever seen.

Jin clearing his throat broke the omegas' reverie, and he could feel the warmth seeping into his ears. He thanked the universe for the veil. Otherwise, he was not helping himself.

" Your grace if we are not encroaching upon your rest we would request to keep you company for some time." Says the older of the two.

Jungkook takes a minute to reply. His mind absolutely goes blank, for he had never anticipated any of it, not Jimin's delay nor the meeting and spending time with the guests. But it was Jin and Joon, and they did not make him feel unnerved or incompetent. They simply seemed to want to get to know him better, so he relented. "You may."

At this, Joon smiles brightly and unceremoniously plops down on the duvet next to Jungkook, and Jin is swift enough to pull him back on his legs, "We did not mean to offend his grace, the commander can sometimes act absent-mindedly, I assure you tha........." Jin tries to add in a panic, but the panic dissipates with soft giggles of the omega laughing.

"Please take a seat hyoung I'm glad we'd get to know each other better." at this, Joon's smile grows all the more wider as he settles down comfortably, while Jin awkwardly stands for a bit and then seats himself opposite to the royal prince.

With time, Jin notices Joon get really comfortable around the young prince. Their conversations are limited to the interests of the omega prince around trees. The young omega seems enamored by the commander. Jin sees his eyes almost shine each time Joon names a plant and associated facts, which the omega recognizes, adding his bit to the conversation. The omega's strict stance relaxes as the conversation proceeds, and Jin finds himself becoming an observer. He should be concerned that this prince has been infatuated by his potential mate, but he feels none of it. Instead, the youth and ambition in the young prince and his almost innocent aura has the advisor feeling all protective over this omega. Prince Jungkook happens to nothing like what their informants had told him.

There seemed to be not a mean bone in the body of the omega, who giggled at Joon's lamest jokes and lost track of time conversing over trees. There had to be something that was missing in their information or the omega was simply an exceptional actor, but Jin could not bring himself to accept the latter.

There were always things that happened to be hard to fake, and the way his eyes expressed all that the omega felt, Jin found himself interested in exploring more of the omega's origins.


The omega had been in his new room for about a week and had not been allowed to step out. The view from the room was a solace, as were the hyoungs. Jin and Joon had urged that he call them hyoungs after the endearment had slipped from his tongue during a conversation. They stopped by every day for varying hours and spent time talking to the prince. Jungkook had found himself attracted to and equally intimidated by Joon. The alpha was wise beyond his years, and his outlook toward the world around him left the younger in awe. If, in another life, he'd be given an opportunity, Jungkook would like to become an apprentice to Joon and learn under his guidance.

As the omega sat on his bed looking nowhere in particular, a sense of comfort washed over him; something was lulling him to sleep, and he let himself drift off until a thud woke him from his slumber. Panicked, the omega sprung from his bed, looking around with wide eyes only to find himself alone in the room, that is, until he felt something or someone behind him a blade was soon at his neck, and a soft voice uttered in his ears, " Make any noise, and you will not live to see the sunrise tomorrow."


See you guys on 15th. Do tell how you like the update!

Much love!


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