Lune Lore Trivia

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General terminology:

Mate: A compatible partner.

Mate bond: A bond initiated when a wolf meets their compatible partner/s. Wolves usually mate for a lifetime, and mostly have one mate, but exceptions do exist. The mating bond is completed only when the wolves seal it with a mating bite. The completion of a mating bond invokes a slight change in the scent of the wolves involved, where the scent merges and has undertones of the partner's scent as well. Identification of a mate hugely depends on the wolven self and scent of the individual. The mate bond links the mates, making them sensitive to each other's emotions. The loss of a mate brings about much pain and a change in scent as well, the scent is usually seen as souring. During the period of upheaval, alphas took in many omegas other than their mate as well, it was mostly to demean their mate. The other way around was impossible. Sadly, it was a practice not totally unheard of, even in the period of peace. Mating bonds weaken post-death of a mate but never essentially break. Breaking a mate bond can result in the death of the mated counterpart. They are of two types- fated and chosen. Fated bonds are those that are first recognised by the wolven counterparts. Chosen bonds are those that the gifted forms decide on and are later accepted by the wolven sides.

Mating bite: Wolves have canines; here, the protruded canines show up at will in the gifted/human form. When wolves deliver a bite on the scent gland, it is termed as a mating bite, and it usually leaves behind a unique indentation termed as the mating mark. A bite on any scent glad essentially indicates a completed mate bond, but the one at the junction of neck and shoulder's is considered the most standard form since it allows the formation of a strong bond, allows the mark to be quite visible, a sign of much pride among the wolves.

Scent: A smell/fragrance unique to each wolf, secreted by glands, located on wrists, pelvis, behind knees, and at the junction of neck and shoulder. The glands are called scent glands, while alphas are supposed to allow their scent to be strong and intimidate those around them, omegas are always expected to keep their scent glands covered unless mated.

Scenting: It implies marking with one's scent and can be done in various ways. These ways include nuzzling, kissing, licking, on or around the scent gland or rubbing the scent glands against any surface. Scenting is common between families and close members of a pack. Omegas often seek comfort in it and often scent each other to emotionally regulate themselves. Mates scent each other often to find comfort, pleasure, regulation, and way to express possession. Scented items can be precious gifts during courtship. Outside of courting, the exchange of scented items indicates interest or presents a proposal for courting.

Scent high: Wolves being overwhelmed by a scent. It's like being drunk but on the scent, possibly of a mate. It is also common among young wolves of all strata, who are unable to regulate themselves. If deprived of scenting for a while, it is easy for omegas to experience a scent high, but it leaves one very vulnerable. It impacts each wolf differently, some sleep, some act drunk, some become sad, some become highly active, some become too quiet, some too angry, and so on.

Courting: The initiation step to formal officiation of a mating bond. Its the wooing period where either one or all involved mates woo each other with meaningful gift/s, of these the fist and last gift are said to have much significance. It is the mates who decide when courting is officially over and the number of presents depends on the same. The exchange of scented items holds much significance during this period. It is not something compulsory but a tradition long followed. Chosen as well as fated to be mates can opt for courting to better know their counterparts.

Rejection of fated bonds: Since chosen mate bonds exist , its often seen that fated bonds are rejected, it causes temporary souring of scent based upon the bond the fated counterparts share. Deeper the bond, the more the hurt and vice versa. Rejection post courting can have much prolonged souring of scent. Unmated wolves survive rejection and live to recover to full health, post rejection the pull of the bond fades.

Soulmate bond: A divine bond. A boon from the Yue(u-ee)(moon goddess). Said to be part of the same whole, two individuals that share the same energy and parts of their spirit are called soulmates. A soulmate bond is extremely rare, it can be both platonic or romantic. The origin of this realisation is unknown. Soulmates too share an empathetic link, losing a soulmate in life is equal to losing all hope and purpose in life and often results in insanity and eventual accelerated death.

Heat: Omegan period of fertility that lasts anywhere between 4-7 days thanks to their wolven sides, These occur differently for all, the cycle can repeat every 3,5 or 6 months depending upon the individual's lifestyle. Characterized by an increase in sensitivity, the drive for copulation, the need of attention and affection, a heightened sense of possession, nesting and territorial instincts, bouts of fever, abdominal pain, cramping, muscle pain, and weakness. Omegas tend to be vulnerable and delirious with pain if left unattended, especially mated omegas. Heats can be triggered by extreme emotions, scent high from a mate, and an alpha mate's rut. Triggered heats, though shorter, tend to be more excruciating and last anywhere between 2-4 days. Omegas can conceive increasingly during this period.

Ruts: An alpha's period of fertility where they actively seek out a mate to copulate with. The cycle repeats every 4 months. Lasts anywhere between 4-7 days, and can align with their mate's cycle if they have any. These are characterized by an increase in sensitivity, the drive for copulation, the need for attention and affection, a heightened sense of possession, territorial instincts, bouts of fever, agility, muscle pain, and aggression. Alphas tend to be vulnerable and irritable if left unattended. Ruts can be triggered by extreme emotions, scent high from a mate and an omega mate's heat. Triggered ruts, though shorter, tend to be more aggressive and last anywhere between 2-4 days.

Reproductivity: Male Alphas, Betas, and Omegas can all impregnate. Female Alphas, Betas, omegas as well as male Omegas, can conceive offspring and menstruate. With the passage of time, male omegas have become quite rare, and their physiology has not been studied enough to reason as to how they happen to be an exception. Copulation and conception in the human form require the conceiver to remain in human form until the offspring( human form) is birthed. Similarly, copulation and conception in wolf form require the conceiver to remain in wolf form until the offspring(wolf form) is birthed. The offspring can later be taught to shift. Alpha pairs and omega pairs have less success in the rate of conceptions. Omega-birthed offsprings tend to be the healthiest. Alpha-omega offspring are still revered as true wolves.

Plot knowhows:

Alpha pairs are rare but not unheard of.

Beta pairs are quite common.

Omega pairs are mostly looked down upon but not in an upfront way.

The rulers happen to be direct descendants of the elders or of their bloodline (mostly).

The rulers of the land are called royals.

Wolves can be adopted into the bloodline should they be chosen by Yue.


If you enjoyed reading so far, let me know. The story begins in the next chapter, and I'd be lying if I said that I'm any less than extremely excited.

Much love,

Readinghuman :D

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