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I'm posting this again.

I have a passion for writing, I do.

But sometimes I feel like I'm not using this platform I've gained for good enough use.

So i might leave wattpad, for good.

But if I dont.

This is what will happen.

So I want to let you all know that I will be adding bible verses to the ends and beginnings of my chapters.

I will be posting daily bible verses.


I will be starting another book for a bible study. I will set up another email and put it in that book for anyone who wants to grow with God.

I recommend it.  I pray you guys take this seriously when I say I want you all to come have a relationship with God.

And dont say I'm forcing this onto you because I'm not. You have every right to leave.

I pray you stay but I cant force that upon you.

If you dont know where to start with your walk check out the book.

It'll be out tomorrow morning. 

I'm still growing in my walk with God.

Just today I Regave  my life to Jesus Christ.

PM me or Email me if you have any questions.

Remember 2 things..

1. You dont have to change your ways to get to know God, he will do it with you.

2. Jesus loves you. He died for you on that cross and got crucified for your sins while living a sinless life. Then he rose again to give you new life.

Bring your troubles, worries, burdens, all to God and he will set you free.

Please make note that it's not all sunshine and rainbows, Spiritual Warfare is hard and draining but with faith comes eternal life with God.

If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ today. Please pray this prayer,

Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Yeshua,
I pray this prayer to you, I want to turn my life around Lord, I want to give my life to you. I who am troubled, worried, sinful, I want to live for you. I know and I Believe that you Died on the cross for my sins, I know that you were beat and hurt 39 times when 40 would have killed someone, for me. I know God, I know that you sacrificed your one and only son to save me. To save all of us. And I'm ready to live for you Lord. I may be bee with my faith, I may be coming back but I pray for my faith to be built and my life to revolve around you.

Praying this prayer I am aware that I will start to live the way you say to, I will pray for your strength instead of giving into sin. I will read my bible and live a Godly and Holy life.

As we pray, Amen.

I love you all so much.♡♡

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