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I have always been seen as childish, or imature. Even though I have no control over it.

At first we, as in my family and I though I had ADHD. So the Phychiatrist prescribed me Adderall.

I was taking it for 6 years from the ages 6 to 12 years old.

I went to the phychiatrist every month for those 3 years. It never worked, I told my parents when I started feeling sick. They said it was one of the "Side Affects".

After I went onto bed rest for three weeks, all while sweating, vomiting, and being light headed. They took me straight to the hospital.

The doctors ran tests. So many damn tests.

I ended up having to take 15 tests in total. From MRI's to Blood work, you name it, I probobly had it done.

But I remember that day, when I thought my life was ending, but really. It was just the beggining.

♥ •°¯'••  𝐹𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽 𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀   ••'¯°• ♥

Laying there, in my bed barley breathing.

Im gasping for air, shaking, and sweating.

'I want my mom' Is all I could think of at that moment.

As if she could hear my thoughts, my bedroom door swings open with a gust of wind making me shiver.

My moms eyes widen is shock, fear, and worry when she sees me laying there  pale and sickly looking.

She runs up to me, gently pulling me into her embrace. Cradling me in her warmth. Sheilding me from whatever life has to scar me of.

My mom whisperd sweet nothings into my ear, but not like others would. It was never 'you're fine' or 'you're okay' or 'its gonna be okay'

She was honest but gentle. She said 'I am going to do my best to protect you' or 'I am here with you'  or 'I will hold you as long as you wish to' or ' It may not be okay and you may not be okay, but I am here and your Papa is here. Nosotros, mi dulce hijo, siempre te protegeremos y te acunaremos en nuestros brazos mientras Dios nos dé que lo hagamos, y cuando ya no podamos sostenerte en nuestros brazos, te protegeremos en nuestras alas.'

She called out to my Papa, the tone in her voice must of struck something in the house, becasue as soon as she yelled out for him. All of my brothers came running through along with Adelia following close behind.

As soon as Papa saw me, he lifted me into his arms and ran into the garage slipping me into the backseat by Maverick.

Mav help onto me tightly as my mom slid into the front seat clsoeing the car door.

My Papa drove to the hospital as fast as possible without harming us.

Rushed into the ER getting set on a bed,  is the last thing I rememebr before passing out.


I wake up to a white light above me, scared and sore I looke around for someone or something to make me feel at peace.

I look over to my right to see my Mama and Papa holding eachother in their embrace.

"M-Mama? Papa?" I rasped out barley over a whisper. But it didn't take much for mama and papa to be right by my side.

"Hola mi bebé, ¿necesitas algo?" Mama sounds as if she wants to cry.

"Mamá, ¿por qué suenas triste?" I ask her begging for answers with my eyes.

"My sweet boy, the doctors ran some tests" Papa starts and looks over at my mama, she glances at him and gives an approving nod. " The results came back, they showed you have autism"  My eyes widen in shock.  I have autism? So why was I taking Adderal? Do I even have ADHD?

"Why.. Why am I sick thouugh?" Trying to process the fact I have autism, but that also doesnt help me understand why im sick.

"You aren't sick sweet boy.. You had an overdose, on the Adderal. Since there was nothing for it to do, it just sat in your system, causing an overdose." Mama expains..

"Oh.." is all I could muster at the moment.

So many thoughts started running through my head, when I was snapped out of it by a body jumping on top of mine, and laying there.

"Adelia.." I whisper.

She looks up at me with a smile, one that could make the world shine bright on a night with no moon, no stars, no sun. Nothing but her.

She is the only thing that makes me feel like im not going mentally insane.

She is Adelia, Our Adelia.


Hi, I want to apologize for not publishing, I had a drop in mental health. School is kicking my bahookie.

I also have a personal reason on the month of March that takes a tool on me so I want to apolojize for being so "absent".

I am just going to explain the TW's at the top of the chapter.

FEAR OF MEDICAL TESTS: IATROPHOBIA causes you to fear doctors or medical tests. You may avoid seeking medical care even when you're very sick because you have extreme anxiety or panic attacks. The thought of getting medical tests also causes fear.

DEMENTOPHOBIA is a type of phobia that involves the fear of madness or insanity. People who have this fear are afraid that they are going insane or losing touch with reality. The fear may be triggered by a family history of mental illness or periods of severe stress.

NOSCOMEPHOBIA is an intense fear of hospitals. It's a type of anxiety disorder that can cause symptoms and panic attacks. It may prevent you from getting important medical care or stop you from visiting loved ones. Nosocomephobia may be related to other fears, such as germs, disease, blood or needles.

Medication phobia, also known as PHARMACOPHOBIA, is a fear of the use of pharmacological treatments. In severe, excessive and irrational cases it may be a type of specific phobia.

A phobia of vomiting, or EMETOPHOBIA is a condition characterized by a disproportionate fear of vomiting or other people vomiting, and is generally associated with an overwhelming sense of losing control, becoming very ill, or that others will find them repulsive.

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