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TW: Mention of drugs and Sexual Assult-Attempted Rape

I just got done with one of my hardest missions this month, I had to take down an entire drug ring with only 3 of my dads men and myself

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I just got done with one of my hardest missions this month, I had to take down an entire drug ring with only 3 of my dads men and myself.

They weren't the biggest but they had alot of fucking security.

I wipped my tears before I walked into the house, hoping nobody was down stairs.

But that wasn't my luck, everyone was in the living room. I mean Everyone, including the Armani family. What are they doing here?

When I shut the door everyones head shot towards my direction, Including my little Indi. My baby, Mi pequeña princesa.
(My little Princess)

"Mommy!" Indi squealed once she saw me. She ran up to me with her brown-ish blonde wavy hair bouncing as she ran.
She looked up at me with her dark-hazel eyes and smiled.

With her silent request of grabby hands, I lifted her into my arms. She smiled at me and kissed my nose. I returned her smile and gave her a kiss on the head.

"Hola mi bebito, how has your day been going?" I asked as I walked us into the living room with everyone else.
(My baby)

"Good!" That's one of us.

"Im glad baby" I kissed her head and hugged her. As we hugged she wispered- well tried to in my ear.

"Mama, why you look like you cwying?" My face dropped and I looked up to see mosty everyone still in their own conversations. All except Elijah, Elijah Armani. The heir to the italian mafia. Only because his older brother is the tech guy for their mafia and didn't want to be don.

"Something happend to mama at work, shes okay though." I smiled at indi, hoping she would drop it. Which thankfully she did.

"Hey quello piccolo?" Indi looked over to Elijah, whom called her. (Little One)

"Sí Lijah" God my baby is adorable-

"Can you go over to uncle Mav for a few minutes, I need to talk to mama really quick." Indi nods and runs over to Mav, who gladly excepts the buddle of sunshine.

Elijah grabs my hand and takes me up to my room, closing the door behind us as e went in.

"What happend today? You walked in looking like you were crying then Indi asked you why you were crying and you said something happened at 'work', you went on a mission this morning. Did something happen?" Why is he asking?

"Why would you care?" I crossed my arms and stared at him.

"I may be an ass but you went through some shit, and im not gonna say it again. Now answer the question, did something happend at that mission?" I felt my eyes getting watery and I let out a shakey breath.

"It happend again, well almost." He stared at me confused, until he understood what I meant.

"You said almost? What does that mean?" I look up at him and sat on my bed, with shakey hands I cover my face.

"The leader of the drug ring tried to rape me, but I killed him before he could do anything worse than grope at me.

He roofied me, I was undercover.

He slipped something in my drink, It was stronger than anything ive ever been given.

My body went numb for half an hour. He touched me, but I sliced his throat before he could rape me." A few tears fell down my face while I told him.

He was quiet, too quiet.

I look up and his jaw is clenched and his eyes are glossy.

"Hey im fine, this isn't the first time. I'm used to it." I shrugged, he did not like that.

He shook his head as a tear fell.

"Thats the thing Adelia! You should not be used to that and its not fine! I may be and ass to you all the time but I care about you and no one deserves it should be used to it" I walked up to him and hugged him.

He hugged me back and we stood there for a moment. I didn't even realize my door opened until a voice interupted us.

"What the fuck?" Maverick was shocked seeing us hugging.

"What? Are they fucking?"

"NO!" I shouted at him grossed out

"Finlee. what the fuck?" Elijah was embarrassed.

"Anyways mom called you guys downstairs, she needs to tell you somehting" My little sister Alora told us completley ignoring our brothers.

What would mom need to tell us?


Walking down the stairs I cant help but think about what she said.

"Hey im fine, this isn't the first time. I'm used to it."

I felt my heart break for her in that moment she sounded so uselsess, so tired, and not a nap type of tired.

As much as I don't want to admit it, if she wouldn't have killed him, I would have send someone to go find him and murder him, slowly, ruthlessly, zero mercy.

My thoughts are cut off as we reach down stair.

"Mila, you needed to talk to us?"


A/N Chapter one what do you think?

Elijah when Adelia said she is used to it-

Elijah when Adelia said she is used to it-

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Love you all- Des and Meli

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