Chapter One

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I put the last box down with a loud thump on the floor. If I had to be completely honest, my back has never ached the way it did on that Saturday afternoon. My hair was in a messy bun with sweat trickling down my forehead while my old Giants shirt laid heavily on my shoulders. It was an all too busy day, and I was grateful that the move was finally over. "This is it," I smiled happily as Niall came in holding a bag of Chinese food, "I've finally moved to London."

A smile crossed his face as Niall came and put his arms around me, "And I couldn't be happier."

But I'm pretty sure my father wasn't too happy. Neither was my mother. Or Toby, or even Sadie. And I was pretty sure that Josie didn't plan on talking to me for all eternity, not matter how many times Evelyn begged. I could honestly say that taking the student abroad program to Oxford wasn't the easiest decision of my life.

"I'll pay for it." Niall said nonchalantly through the computer screen.

I remembered my dad's dark eyes narrowing, "Niall, I know that you're a multi-millionaire, but come on, let's not be too impulsive about this."

Niall cocked his head and smirked, "No, I've been thinking about this heavily, sir. I mean, I've checked the costs and I know that it won't be so hard to handle."

My mother patted my shoulder as she sat next to me, "Well, we couldn't possibly ask you to pay for the whole thing. The least we can do is pay for half of it."

"Whatever you'd like to do Mrs. Walsh," Niall said with a sigh of relief, "And before you say anything, Mr. Walsh, you can bet on me that Audrey will be safe."

My dad chuckled a little bit, "I knew I liked this kid."

The smell of fried rice filled my small apartment as I opened the carton. Here I was, a nineteen year old sophomore Oxford student, living in London. Yet, I still thought I was in a dream. But that quickly changed when I felt two strong arms wrap around my thin waist, the sweet smell of his cologne enveloped me as he laid his head on my shoulder, "Do you plan to share?"

I turned to look at Niall, "Maybe."

Niall twirled me around so that I was fulling facing him, "That doesn't seem very nice."


He looked down at my lips and smirked, "I think I might be able to change your mind." Niall bit his lip before diving for mine. The warm sensation of his mouth made my heart jump. I lifted my hands to Niall's light locks as his hands roamed my back. I couldn't help but smile it between breaths, letting his whole being melt with me. 

Knock. Knock. "Open this door, for God's sake! It's freaking raining out here!" An all too familiar voice yelled from behind the front door. I let go of Niall's embrace as we smiled to each other and mouthed "Louis."

Opening the door, I found myself with a crowd of people that I filled me with joy. "It's about time." Louis snapped at me with a smirk before giving me a hug, "I've missed you!"

"Missed you, too, big brother." I smiled, hugging me back. Turning to my right, I saw Eleanor's bright smile, "El!"

She laughed lightly before embracing me, "I had to come and see your place."

"So did I!" Chimed in Dani from behind, hand and hand with Liam. I welcomed them both in with a smile and hug.

"Well, hello there." Harry said, leaning on the door, acting like his usual confident self. I didn't know how I would act around him, considering that him and Josie decided to be strictly friends. Josie never told me whether it was mutual or not.

But regardless I couldn't help but laugh at the silly Mr. Styles, "Come on in, silly."

Shaking my head, I looked up to see Zayn's brown eyes gleamed with happiness, "Hey Zayn."

No Time to Waste: Sequel to Moments in TimeWhere stories live. Discover now