Chapter 3 - Parents and Feed

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"Father, are you sure you want to take her to see her mom? What happened if you two get caught? " Eric, try to talk Godric out of this madness

"My son, she needs this to move on from her old life and force on her new life with us. And I love her. " Godric replies as you walk into a conversation that was about you.

"Are we already to leave?"

"Yes, my love." Godric looked at you as he took your hand "Eric my son, we'll be back soon, so behave yourself. "

You and Godric left Eric by himself. As you two fast speed to where you used to live and why you left in the first place.

"My love, remember you can't speak to them just watch them." Godric whisper in your ear

Before you say anything, you and Godric be spot by your parents. This was not the plan you and Godric wanted, and everything fell apart.

A few min later

Godric has to act normal like he was human for a min as someone holds on to him while your parents look at you as happy to see you.

"My sweet daughter, where have you been?" Your mother asks crying in tear

"Yes, where have you been it be two months, and you disappeared out nowhere. You don't know how much we have been looking for you and sick of worry. " Your angry father yelled at you as Godric was about to snap at him.

Your mother told him to calm down and ask you, "Y/N my dear, who is he?"

You were about to say something until Godric answered for you, "I'm her husband."

You watch your father got very upset with this "WHAT? You can't marry someone that I promise to give you away with someone who supports to be your husband. "

"Daddy, I didn't want to marry him in the first place. I don't love him. I'm want to find love on my own. " You replied know hard to keep your fang in.

Before your father replied in anger, a voice, you never heard and said, "Well, this just sad to hear marry someone else that ain't me"

Godric really wished he listened to Eric for once. "You must be the guy her parents try to sell her off too,"

"Yes, and who are you, by the way?" He asks

"My name is Godric, and she ain't your anymore." Godric says, releasing himself from the person who was holding his arm as he come to you as his protection.

"Ha, do you think I care what you think? I have a contract with her parents. " He smirks think he still owns you.

You replied, very calm. "You don't own me anymore. I'm not your never was, and I married to Godric. "

"So I can easily take that away and kill him in front of you." He smirked once again before anyone said a word. Eric came out of nowhere and killed the guy in front of everyone that got everyone screaming

Godric was so happy Eric showed up even though he was told to stay put. "Sorry father, I have to come."

You were standing, still watching your parents' scare as a door knob "I'm sorry, I should not come here."

As you look at Godric and say, "Make them forget about me and -" Godric, stop want you say

"I will." Godric and Eric both glamour few people and include your parents.

You knew this was a huge mistake coming here, and wish this didn't happen. Godric come towards you and place his two hands on your face and say, "This ain't your fault it mine, I'm shouldn't bring you here"

"Let go home." You replied with blood tear running down your face as Godric wiped your bloody tear off your face and look at you as he agreed to go back home since it about to get back to dawn soon.

A few days later

Godric and Eric speak in languages that you still don't understand, but it pretty much they talk about you.

"Godric, I hungry." You interrupted them as Godric smiled at you

"Okay, let's go find something to eat then." Godric, reach your hand in his and continue to speak."Come, my child." Look at Eric

"Godric." You look at him and ask."Can you teach me that language you and Eric have been speaking in?"

"Maybe one day, my love, but right now, you need to to feed." Godric replies

You, Godric, and Eric find some food that looks yummy to feed. Their are two lovely couple that are very young. Eric speaks the language to Godric as you get very annoying about "Can you guys please speak English while you with me?"

"Sorry, my love, it will never happen again until I teach you how to speak that language." Godric replies, kiss your cheek as Eric makes a comment.

"I was say since their two people two feed I take the guy and you guys take the girl"

Godric took your hand. "Follow my lead."

You follow Godric lead as you two walk up to the lovely couple as Godric says, "Hello" with hungry eye.

Eric even came up as he looked at the guy saying in his glamour tone, "Hello!" As he took him someone to eat as the girl was so confused about what was going on until Godric glamour her."It okay we here to feed off your neck, but don't worry, we ain't here to hurt you, so please don't scare and enjoy it."

Godric took the left side of her neck, and you took the right side of her neck. You two feed on her until Godric stops, including you, too.

"My love, it time for you to try to glamour her." Godric says as he heals her neck as you did too on the other side.

"What should I say?" You ask

"Tell her we wasn't here." Godric replies

You nod at him and look at the girl you just feed on. You took a small  breath, and Godric even said, "Look into her eye,  and that how you glamour her."

"I want you to forget about us being here and that we ever feed on you." As you feel the power of glamour that you did, the girl forget everything. Also, you and Godric fast speed back to the home and can't take your hand off each other as you both remove your guys clothes so you guys can fuck.

"Godric, I love you so much." As you moan while feeling his cock poud you so hard as his hand on your throat as he whisper "I love you too my love"

You decide to be in charge and got on top of him and fuck him while he pull you into a deep kiss.

Okay, guys, so I still new about doing true blood stories, but there will be more. The chapter will be back to the present when you guys going get a new character in this story, and their be flashbacks too.

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