My Best Friend's Brother is the One For Me

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Summary: the title.

Guess what guys I actually didn't proofread this one like I said I was going to yayyyy meeee so I'm sorry for any grammar errors I have faith in all of you to figure it out

And remember to comment cause I live for public validation yayyyy


"And you only ever want to hang out at my place when he's there even though you get all awkward. It's so obvious you're pining, Harry, let me help you."

"Lottie, leave it alone."

"No." The girl crosses her arms, leaning back in her chair and staring down the boy across the booth. "I will not leave it alone."

"You have to. There is no it to mess with."

"You and I both know you're the one with glasses here, Harry. You should be able to see it clear as day."

"Exactly. They help me see, and I can see that there isn't anything to see." Harry blinks, but doesn't let his face show his hesitation with that sentence's logic.

"I think they should help you see what kind of opportunity you're missing. You'd be so cute together. Mum already loves you."

"She loves me because I'm her daughter's best friend. Not because I'm dating her son."

"I think there's plenty of room in her heart for you to fill both roles." Lottie stands, taking their tray of trash and walking away before Harry can argue any more.

He stands and follows her to the door, stepping out of the fast food joint and into the afternoon sun.

"I think you're just desperate for us to be legally related." Harry pokes Lottie, who smirks mischievously. Suddenly she freezes, seemingly spotting something over Harry's shoulder.

Harry's brow furrows, and he turns to look, but she grabs his head and pulls him straight. "I have to piss. Wait out here for me." With that, she spins and races away back inside.

Shaking his head after her, he finally turns to see what caught her eye, and that's when his throat dries out. A car had pulled into the empty spot beside his own, a very familiar car. Louis' car.

Harry watches as the boy climbs out, a pair of shades on. Slamming the door behind him, he makes his way to Harry, who is frozen on the spot despite the blazing sun.

"Hey, H." Louis says. "Did you just get here?"

He can't help it when his eyes scan over Louis quickly, drinking in the boy in his footie uniform, fresh out of practice. When his eyes snap back up to Louis', he's giving Harry one of his signature smirks. It's not a true smirk, it's a sincere grin, but it definitely has a bit of smugness mixed in.

"Uh, no. Lottie and I just finished, actually. She's in the bathroom."

"Oh. I saw your car in the lot, I thought maybe I'd gotten here in time to eat with you both." Louis looks disappointed.

"We can stay if you want." Harry answers way too quickly for comfort, and way too quickly to be able to hold his position in his argument with Lottie. "We were just gonna go hang at mine anyway."

"No no, it's alright. I didn't mean for you to change your plans."

"It's really not a big deal."

"I know, Harry." Louis chuckles. "Go have fun with my sister. But not too much fun."

"We're not- it isn't like that." Harry doesn't stumble, he absolutely swan dives into the metaphorical ground at Louis' sentence. "I'm- I'm gay."

By this point, Louis is laughing. He lifts the sunglasses to rest atop his head before reaching out and ruffling Harry's hair. "I know that too. A straight man wouldn't boggle at me like you do."

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