Blanket Stealer | Bob

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Prompt: "If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you."

Summary: Bob sleeps over for the first time and learns a valuable lesson about stealing the blankets

Pairings: Bob Floyd x reader

Note: This was apart of my 300 follower celebration on Tumblr so they are just blurbs. Requested by roosters-girl

Word count:<300

He warned you before you ever laid down for the night.

"I tend to pull on the blankets in my sleep so I am apologizing in advance."

Bob Floyd is a blanket hog and you are getting the full effect of it right now.

You lay staring at the ceiling, cold with no blankets laying over you. You glance over at your boyfriend who lays comfortably under the sheets, warm. You groan as you once again tug the blankets back over, curling your arm around the corner to keep it tight.

Its minutes later that you feel the tug of Bob pulling the blanket back.

"If you steal the blankets again, I am going to put my cold feet on you." You say allowed, knowing he was too asleep to hear it, and sure enough Bob tugs the blanks back over to his side. "Have it your way, Bobby."

You turn to angle your feet towards him, slipping them under the blankets and placing them flat against his calves. You start counting.

"1... 2... 3..."

"Holy shit why are they so cold?!" Bob jolts up, pushing your feet away.

"You stole the blankets, I put my cold feet on you." You glare at him as he sits up, pushing the blankets towards you.

"I'm sorry, Sweet Pea. I did tell you."

"You're buying me longer blankets, Robert Floyd, or your gonna learn to sleep closer to me at night." You state, tugging half the blankets over yourself.

"I'll cuddle you all night if that makes you feel better." Bob laughs softly, scooting closer to her.

"It will actually." You say, laying on your side away from him.

Bob scoots over, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Good night, Sweet Pea." He whispers, kissing you cheek before falling asleep next to you.

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