H_NGM_N | J.Seresin

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Summary: y/n new when she started dating Jake Seresin that he had a lot of secrets, none of which she ever pressed him to share. But one night that the nightmares seem so much worse, y/n learns the truth.

Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader

Warnings: terrible descriptions of panic attacks and nightmares, mentions of death

Notes: based off the theory of how Jake got his callsign.

Word count: 2.1k

"Well if it ain't Phoenix!"

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"Well if it ain't Phoenix!"

Y/n's attention snaps from to pool table to the female aviator walking towards her.

"And here I thought we were special Coyote. Turns out the invite went to anyone."

"Jake quit being an ass." Y/n laughs poking him across the pool table with the cue in her hand. "Nat, how's Lemoore treating you?"

"Great, but I missed my best friend." Nat pulls y/n into a hug. "Fellas," she turns to the two men that entered with her. "This is y/n."

"Hey guys."

"Are you in the Navy?"

"No." Y/n chuckles. "I'm a high school history teacher."

"And the hottest teacher ever." Jake smirks, moving the stand beside y/n. "I know I would've payed more attention if I had this pretty girl standing at the podium."

"And thats Bagman." Phoenix groans, y/n laughs at the nickname.

"Hangman." He corrects.

"Whatever." Phoenix tolls her eyes. "You're looking at the only aviator on active duty with a confirmed air to air kill."

"Stop." Hangman protests, his egotistical humbleness making y/n roll her eyes.

"Mind you, the other guy was in a museum piece from the Korean War." Phoenix continues.

"Cold War, actually." Y/n corrects. Military History was her favorite class to teach, mostly because she could drag her boyfriend into the class to help. Plus she loved to tease Jake over the something.

"Different wars, same century." The taller aviator jumps in.

"Not this one," came from the shorter of the pair.

"Who are your friends?" Coyote questions.



"Hey Coyote." Phoenix turns to the other aviator.

"Hey baby, I'm gonna go get a couple beers okay?" Y/n turns to Jake.

"Alright, sweetheart." Jake kisses her temple before she walks away.

"Hey Penny, can I get 5 beers please? On the poor soul who got the bell rung on em."

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