Just a Braid | Hangman

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Prompt: "Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair."

Summary: You're hunched over your work computer, stressed about completing your projects when your boyfriend comes up and does the unexpected.

Pairing: Jake Seresin x reader

Note: This was apart of my 300 follower celebration on Tumblr so they are just blurbs. Requested by sarahsmi13s

Word count:<300

|You had all of your work papers scattered across the kitchen table. When you you left work at 4pm, every assignment was done and you were ready for a perfect weekend with your boyfriend but fate was not on your side today. As soon as you got home, your supervisor was immediately blowing up your phone, stating all of your work for the last week was wrong and needed to be done by tonight. So you pulled out all of you folders and laptop and got to work.

When Jake got home he could tell you were stressed. Your heels were tossed aside by the door, laptop bag spilling out on the bench, blazer halfway on a hanger in the closet. Jake chuckles slightly, cleaning up the entryway before making his way to the kitchen.

"Hey darling, how was work?"

"Still doing it." You groan, running your fingers through your messy hair.

Jake glances over from the fridge to see your hair spilling over your face as you write something down. Closing the fridge, Jake makes his way to you, scooping some of your hair up and combing his fingers through it.

"What are you doing?" You ask when he gently tugs on the top half of your hair. When he doesn't answer you just look back to work but its not long before he's tugging on it again. "Ow, Jake what are you doing?"

"Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair." Jake chuckles, pulling strands towards the braid.

"Since when do you know how to braid?"

"I have 2 sisters who loved having their hair done. You pick up a thing or two." Jake smiles. "Now look back to your work, darling. Let me focus."

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