Chapter nine: Take It Out On Me!

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I could still hear him now singing to country songs. I put my hand on the wall. It felt almost like he was there even though I know he wasn't.

"Can't get you outta my headphones. I turn it up you turn me on! It takes me back! It takes me all night long to get you outta my headphones!" He sang. Haha he was so cute. I finished and got out of the shower. I dried some of my hair with a towel and decided to scrunch it because I couldn't dry it. I applied some little makeup and lipstick and put on a camo hoodie jeans and boots. I walked out and heard Austin was done in the shower. I started making my sandwich.

"Hey umm Austin?" I asked.

"Yeah trin?" He says. I turn around to talk to him and he walks out without a shirt on and his jeans not buttoned or his belt done. He was drying his hair with a towel. He looked really hot. His chest was so wow and water was still on it and his cross necklace.

"Umm Trin what were you going to ask me?" He says smirking.

"Oh umm I was going ask you about if you wanted a sandwich," I say.

"Oh thanks yes I would I'll get it though you don't have too," he smiles.

"Oh,but I will," I say.

"Thanks Trin," he smiles.

"W-welcome," I stutter. He walked back in the bathroom and started fixing himself up. I finished my sandwich and started on his until I heard him say something.

"Open fucking damn drawer!" He yelled. I then heard him slam the drawer in. I walk in to see him now with his pants buttoned and done but still no shirt. He was huffing and looked pretty mad. Should I even go in. I knocked on the door.

"Austin?" I say.

"WHAT?" He yelled. He then sighed and turned around.

"Shh calm down it's ok," I say. He slams down on the toilet and mumbles words.

"What's wrong?" I ask while trying to get the drawer open.

"The damn door won't open!" He yelled.

"Shh it's okay I'll get it," I say.

"Thanks," he says once I get it open.

"Sure," I say, "your sandwich is on the counter,"

He mumbled a thanks and I walk out.

"What the heck happened in there?" Asked Logan.

"Why?" I ask shoving my sandwich in my mouth.

"Because I heard Austin," he sighed.

"Yeah man he's pretty loud and annoying," said a boy I've never seen before sitting by me.

"Uhh what?" I ask. He folded his arms and sighed. He actually was pretty cute he had dark brown hair in a quiff and blue eyes.

"You know Austin is a fag. Everyone knows it. He's a total loser. Yeah he may be the quarterback but he honey you have to fit the part. He isn't hot! He's fugly. Everyone knows he has anger issues and can't control himself didn't you hear him everyone always hears him. When the little bitch doesn't get his way he flips," he says.

"Excuse me!" I say standing up.

"Wow calm down babe you're sexy when you're mad," he smirks.

"Hey get you're far rude ass away from my sister," said Logan.

"Or what you'll hurt me. I know all y'all are whimps," he said standing up.

"Get the hell away from my family and quit talking bad about Austin!" I yell. He comes over to me and grabs my wrist hard.

"Come with me," he says.

"Ouch! Ouch!" I say.

"Hey got off my sister," said Aiden running over.

"Stay away and let me handle her!" He yells. My family were to far over in the woods and the music was too loud for anyone to hear. He pulled my back behind the camper. He flew my into the camper.

"Listen you know I'm right about Austin," he said.

"No you're not he's cuter smarter and tougher than you are!" I say. He reaches his hand up to slap me when he gets thrown to the ground. Austin why is he always doing this.

"Austin stop it's ok," I say.

"No! He can talk shit about me about but not my family and friends," he says throwing him into the camper and hitting him.

"Jordan shut the hell up!" Yelled Austin. He grunted and slammed his fist hard into Austin sending him stumbling back. He came for another punch when Lizzie came over.

"Stop it now! Both of you! Jordan get the hell out of here now!" He snickered and ran off.
******AUSTIN'S POV******
Holy shit my jaw hurt. I saw Trin she was trembling standing there my mom was on the phone and my dad was walking over to me.

"Austin man," he says sitting beside me on the tire.

"dad?" I barley get out it hurt to bad to talk.

"Austin get inside now!" Says my mom pointing to the camper.

"Lizzie," sighs My dad.

"No let me talk to him!" She yells. I sigh and get up. I walk past Trinity who was still standing there but now talking to Liam. He smiles at me as if to say

"she's ok." I follow my mom into the camper and shut the door.

"Austin you can't keep doing this! I don't get why you're so angry? You have a prefect family and friends who love you!" She says.

"I know am I know it's not that did you hear what he said about me it's true I came control my anger I'm not mad at you it's just when people talk about me I can't. He said I'm a fag and I don't fit in to the popular group," I sigh.

"Baby you are perfect and handsome and the sweetest boy ever, but you can't keep fighting for you're anger. We'll have to send you away baby I don't want you to get hurt," she says hugging me.

"Mom I won't get hurt," I say.

"You never know," I say.

"Hey man you okay?" Asked Jacob coming in.

"Yeah man," I say.

"Wanna come ride with us?"

"May I ma?" I ask.

"Oh go ahead don't get into to much trouble," she says kissing my cheek.

"Ok love you," I say grabbing my helmet.

"Love you," she smiles. I was fine I had on jeans, supra's and a hoodie.

"Hey you okay?" I asked Trinity once I walked past her. She jumped into my arms making me drop my helmet.

"Austin thank you so much! You are the best brother I could ever ask for," she says. Oh brother.

"Anytime princess,"

"Oh thank Aussie," she says into my neck. I set her down and walk away. The sun as beginning to set.

"Hey man we can ride on the rode no one will be out," says Jacob to me and Aiden.

"Hell yes man," says Aiden.

"Let's go boys," I say riding out on the road. We were going like 60 miles per hour past roads and different ways. Then we speed past a black car sitting there.

"Ahh shit that was a police car!" Yells Jacob. Sure enough it was. It was coming after us. We quickly turned up a road and started going down the hidden trail.

"Did we lose him?" Asked Aiden.

"Yeah I think so," I say. We see him chasing another group of three boys.

"Haha suckers," laughed Jacob.

"I know right," says Aiden.

"We better head back man,"

Hey guys! Oh my gosh can I have a Austin! He is so sweet and is so sweet to her like a sister. I hate Jordan. So I hope you like this chapter. I love you lads.
-Lizzie 💞😘💞😘

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