Chapter 19: Confession

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"This isn't a good idea," Vera says in a hushed voice, her hands tangled in his damp hair as her backside was held flush against his bedroom door, "this isn't a good idea," her eyes swelled in tears.

Patrick stopped in his tracks, trailing his kisses from her defined collarbone back up to her mouth, "we can stop if you want." He tells her lovingly, looking down to meet her magnificent blue eyes.

"I want this." She says, picking up her voice as the rain outside begins to ponder against the windows much more prominently.

He places his hands on her sides, looking down at her with tired eyes, "you're on the ropes about this, aren't you." He mutters, looking out the window and back down at her, tucking a lock of her dark hair behind her ear before cupping her face gently, "I want you to know that I like you alot, Vera." He says confidently, "and if all of this is a game to you... if you're just gonna run right back to your husband that you-"

"I'm not," She huffs in a coarse whisper, placing her hands on his bare, broad shoulders before running them back through his messy hair, "I'm not, I promise you."

"Do you want me?" He asks her deeply, skimming the tip of his nose down the bridge of hers.

"God knows how much I do."


The sunlight began to creep in between the leaves of the trees in the yard, shining a blinding array of orange lights through their living room window.

Vera wakes up first, finding herself on their common room couch with Patrick's arms wrapped tightly around her. 

The last thing she remembered from the night before was their conversation, and how they soundly fell asleep only a few minutes into the movie they threw on.

Before she could even take a look at the time, or try to lie back down, she began hearing a loud ruckus just outside of their home. With the voices growing louder and angrier, she throws Patrick's arm off her before climbing off of the couch and darting toward the front door.

She unlocks the door to find two girls standing off in their front yard, and before she can get any closer, Vera recognizes them on the spot.

"Hey!" Vera yells, catching Maria's attention as Morgan begins to sob into her hands, "what the hell will it take for the two of you to leave us alone?"

"Vera," Maria mutters, sounding out of breath as she points to Morgan, "help me out here." Vera shoots her a confused look, folding her arms.

"Help you out with what exactly?" Vera approaches the sisters hesitantly, eyeing them down, "what can the two of you possibly be arguing about at the crack of dawn-"

"She's not pregnant with Patrick's child, clearly," Maria shakes her head, staring her sister down, "I've spoken to him, I would know." 

"How the hell would you know? He hasn't spoken to you since high school." Vera bitterly responds.

Maria scoffs, "no, you listen to me!" She begins, "all this time she's been saying how Patrick and her are going to have this baby and how it's hard because he might be very sterile-"

"I know it's his!" Morgan argues, marching toward Maria and Vera, "it needs to be his, I know there's only a slim chance but there isn't anyone else-"

"What the hell is going on out here?" Patrick yells as he stumbles out of the house, sticking an arm out to Vera as he glances between the two women in front of them.

Vera slowly trickles into his arms, "you need to tell her, Patrick." She mutters.

"Tell me what?" Morgan practically sings, facing the couple, "that you admit the baby is yours?"

Maria grabs Morgan's arm, shoving her away. Before the situation could escalate any further, Patrick runs up to the two girls, forcefully ripping them away from each other and holding them apart.

"Maria, as much as you hate Morgan right now, keep in mind that she is pregnant-"

"So it is your baby?" Maria yells, grasping Patrick by the wrist and throwing his hand off of her, "are you seriously going to take her in just like that? After she slept with two different guys while she was still with you!?"

"I never said it was mine!" Patrick growls, watching as Vera walks over to Morgan's side to help her calm down, "it isn't mine, it can't be mine."

"Patrick, you're the last man I had slept with. You knocked me up." Morgan says angrily, trudging through the grass.

"Morgan, listen to me" he mutters to her as she stands inches away from his face, his tired eyes giving her a look of remorse, "I got a vasectomy, just... right after high school, and before me and you began trying for a-"

Before Patrick could finish his sentence, he earns a clean punch on the nose and a shove, forcing both Vera and Maria to intervene, "you asshole!!!" Morgan cries, "how could you do something like that to me?! I thought you loved me, you liar!"

"Fuck," Patrick holds a hand up to his face, muttering profanities in agony, "I didn't want kids yet, Morgan!!! I wanted to live my life and get a good job while you just wanted to keep me in a cage like a dog!"

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She cries, watching as Vera takes a look at Patrick's blemish.

"Because I knew that you would leave me, and even though I tried my best to keep you happy, you still went ahead and screwed a couple of guys behind my back!"

"Oh like you're any better than me!" Morgan's eyes dart between Vera and Patrick, "you're a goddamn homewrecker... wasn't Vera married when I met her?!"

"That doesn't matter," Patrick mumbles, rolling his eyes at her comment, "all that matters is that the baby cannot be mine." He looks between the two angry women before looking down at Vera, pulling her close to him as he whispers into her ear, "let's go back in."

The Lady Next Door - A Sequel to "The Man Next Door"Where stories live. Discover now