Chapter 1: Unexpected

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Vera opens her eyes to the noise of the door closing. The sound echoed and quickly spread throughout their hollow living room, "that was meant to be quiet," Patrick mutters as he walks into the room, shoving boxes to the side as he tries to path his way over to the couch.

"Sweetie, don't worry about the rest of the things-"

"It'll be best if I get them all organized now," he mutters, "then we won't have to stress about it tomorrow."

Vera turns her head to the wall, a look of shock appearing on her face as her sleepy eyes find the clock, "honey, it's half past midnight."

Patrick rubs his arm as he glares at the time, his usual bright blue eyes looked drained and lifeless. She sadly watched him and motioned for him to come and sit beside her.

Vera's hardly seen him the entire day because of how frantically he's been running around the new house, trying to get as much done as possible.

He accepts the invitation and lies his head down on her lap happily, it wasn't what she expected him to do, so she blushes and laughs.

Vera runs her hands through his plushy hair and leaves a kiss on his head, "you know, I made sure the bedroom was the first thing ready," he mumbles.

Vera slaps his thigh and giggles, "we're seeing my parents first thing in the morning, remember?"

"Right," his face falls, Patrick looks up at her puzzled, "the beach day's tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Vera rolls her eyes, "you know, the day you've been counting down days for since the middle of March."

"Right..." he says again, "I've never been so nervous in my life."

"I appreciate that you care so much," Vera laughs, cupping his face to kiss him, "even if they hated you, I'd still stay with you."

Patrick smiles widely, but even then his face didn't look any less exhausted. "Are we all packed for tomorrow?" He asks her suddenly.

"Yeah," Vera smirks, "I just have to get our towels packed up."

"I can take care of it," he says, beginning to get up, "where are they?"

"Not happening," Vera says sternly, getting up and walking towards him, "you go shower, I'll take care of it."

"Okay," he raises his hands up in surrender, "you're the boss," he smiles. Once he reached the bottom of the staircase, he stops to ask something, "will you be up in time to join me?"

Vera chuckles, "I'll see how long it'll take me."

"I'll be waiting," Patrick says with a smirk, dashing up the stairs.


Just as Vera hurriedly takes the last warm towel from out the dryer, she hears knocks from down the hall.

She peeks her head out the laundry room door to try and see where it was coming from, only to hear them again moments later.

Vera walks down the long hallway only to realize that the light from outside their front door was turned on, indicating that someone was standing there.

She sighs as she trudges toward the door, wondering who it could possibly be at this hour, "hello?" She says as she swings the door open.

"Oh, hey." The dark-haired lady on the other side of it says, a look of confusion falling over her face, "I'm sorry to bother you at such a late hour, but this is the only time I'll ever get to introduce myself in time."

"I'm sorry," Vera questions, "who are you?"

"I live on this block," she reaches her hand out to Vera, "I'm Maria."

"Well, nice to finally meet you, Maria," Vera smiles, keeping the door half-closed as she reaches her hand out to her, "you've got such a beautiful name... I'm Vera."

"Oh," Maria smiles at her while nodding, "I heard that a man was going to be living here now, at least that's what my father's been telling me."

"Right," Vera nods, looking at her curiously, "that must be because my boyfriend came to check this place out a few months ago."

"Oh... boyfriend," Maria smiles, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear "well, that's great."

Strong gusts of the summer wind began to blow in and it noticeably made the lady shiver, "I better get going then, it was great to see you!"

"Yeah, likewise," Vera smiles, wrapping herself up in her own sweater as she shuts the door behind her.

The Lady Next Door - A Sequel to "The Man Next Door"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant