Chapter 2: Just Roll With It

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The gentle wind hits the palm of her hand as she rests her arm out the window, her other hand wrapped around the back of his, "will you ever let me drive when I'm with you?" Vera giggles, throwing her sunglasses on.

"I think I've just gotten so used to taking you places," Patrick smiles, taking his hand off the gear and bringing her knuckles up to his soft lips, "I also don't ever remember you offering to drive."

Vera laughs silently, gazing out the window at the forest of trees, where in between they sat just a smidge of the sea.

"I'll have you drive back if you want to," Patrick looks at her, "you weren't allowed to drive for months with your blackouts going on."

"I'll see if I'm up for it at the end of the day," she nods, twirling a finger around a loose strand of her dark hair, "the first thing we have to worry about is getting my mom and dad to like you."

"Right," Patrick sighs, beginning to steadily turn and pull into a sandy parking lot. They spot another car at the end of the lot, indicating that Vera's parents had already arrived at the location.

After calmly parking beside them, Patrick and Vera step out, taking their items out of the trunk before beginning to walk down the hill and towards the water. The white sand buries their feet as they trudge through it, the sun wasn't beaming too strongly at that early of a time, making the sand feel just a little less hot than usual.

Vera sees her parents out in the distance and smiles, Patrick begins to walk behind Vera and looks down a bit as they finally make it to where they were waiting, "hey dad!" She says happily, quickly making it to her father and giving him a big hug, "Patrick, this is Marko."

Vera steps back a bit and glances at Patrick before walking over to her mother, greeting her with a hug as well.

As Vera speaks to her mother, Patrick approaches her father with a smile, holding his hand out only to have the shorter man go up to him and hug him tightly.

"Hey son," he says after pulling away, "you must be that Patrick guy that our daughter is always talking about." Her father says confidently, taking his hand and shaking it firmly.

"Yes, that's me," Patrick softly says, looking over at Vera and flashing her a smile.

"And then this is my mother, Sofia," Vera says, grinning. Patrick calmly goes up to the lady and watches as she brings him into a hug as well. Once she stepped back, she admired him for a moment.

"Goodness, you're handsome," the older lady laughs, "a real gentleman."

"Oh, thank you," Patrick smiles and laughs in surprise, looking over her shoulder at Vera who was approaching him, glowing red with embarrassment.

"Mama..." she says rolling her eyes, attaching herself to his strong arm, "so how about we start setting up?" Vera says, looking up at Patrick.

"I think the boys can handle setting up on their own," Sofia says, taking her hand and beginning to pull her closer to the shoreline, "I'd like to talk to you for a minute."

Vera looks over at Patrick as if she were about to ask a question, so he quickly speaks up.

"Yeah, that's okay with us," Patrick smiles reassuringly, looking over at Marko who was beginning to pull out the canopy, "Mr. Farmiga and I got it, Vera."

"You know my name Patrick... call me Marko from now on," he chuckles. Patrick grins widely, winking at Vera before going over to help him out.

"So where was this young man when you were in high school?" She begins by saying sternly.

The Lady Next Door - A Sequel to "The Man Next Door"Where stories live. Discover now