chapter 3

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(F/n pov)

It was early in the morning when I walked my way to school. The dance was coming up and people were already talking about the return of the prince of the fall formal title. Many with their own personal candidate for the title, but none that many can agree on. A simple event that benefits many could easily give people an idea candidate, but another factor would be if a certain someone will use their influence for a candidate. Still best to approach this by not causing a scene, no one can pin you for something if they have no real proof. It wasn't long until I got near the entrance when I noticed a girl, I think I recall seeing on my first day. Let's see, pink hair, yellow skin and blue eyes. Ah... she was the one tried to get aid for animal shelter, that could actually be a good community service opportunity plus mom did want a dog to watch the house. Might as well say hello. 

F/n: Hello.

I said which caused her to jump and hide her face. Causing some of her papers to fall out of her hands. I decided to pick one up and used it as a conversation starter.

F/n: By any chance, do you have any huskies or German Shepherds?

Care giver: Um... yes.

F/n: I see. Forgive my manners, my name is F/n L/n. May I know your name.

Care giver: *mumbles* I'm Fluttershy.

F/n: Nice to meet you formally Mrs. Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: I wish I could say the same, but...

F/n: But my ties to Sunset does not paint me in a good light for one reason or another. I'm aware. But at the very least I hope you'll allow my folks to adopt an animal from the shelter

Fluttershy: Of course we can... provided of course we see that your home is suited for them.

F/n: Of course, I'll be sure to inform my mother then. Oh and by any chance you need volunteers.

Fluttershy: Well um Yes actually, we can always use the help.

F/n: In that case I'll see about coming later volunteer.

Fluttershy: Oh, that would be wonder-!

She said as something hit the back of her leg. When she moved to see what it was, I noticed her backpack was shifting alot on it's own. Guessing she likes to keep a few animals in her backpack, well at least Snow white has some competition. I soon looked to see what hit Fluttershy, only to see it was a certain crown.

Fluttershy: How did this get out here?

F/n: You might want to give it to me, otherwise a certain bacon haired girl will seek you out for having it. And she'll probably be more furious with you then she would me.

She nodded as she handed me the crown, although now I can tell it's not the regular one the school uses. If the touch of the cold metal and the more defined gem in the center is anything to go by.

F/n: Besides I assume it would be a tight fit for your animal if you put it in your backpack.

Fluttershy: How did you-

She said as she covered her mouth as a teacher walked by and unlocked the door before going in.

F/n: To put simply, sight and logic. After all I don't know many backpacks that move on their own.

I said which caused her to blush a bit.

F/n: Listen, I don't have an issue with it but please be careful. One wrong event and a lot bad things may happen, and I rather not imagine whoever is in their to be hurt.

I said as her backpack opens up to reveal a small bunny inside as it looked at me. I soon began petting behind it's ear and seeing it smile.

Fluttershy: Well that nice to see. Angel bunny doesn't usually let people pet his ear, he must really like you.

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