chapter 2

469 11 4

(f/n pov)

As I spend more time among my peers, once again the looks of confusion, uncertainty, and caution appear on their faces. But the look of caution is more evident just as the new look of resentment. I begin to wonder what influence does Sunset have over so many. No doubt that she has strong management skills that acquiring secrets through others would be possible. After all she was able to make use of the two most... intellectually challenge students, acting as her informants while no one seems to question it due to their reputation. But that would only go so far as to sway so many in one year seems to fast. Did she know some of the students before coming? If she did, then how come no one's who she is?

Cafeteria lady: Thank you sonny have a good day.

She said as she hands me an apple. I then went to a nearby table where Sunset waved me over. Seeing as it seems this is the only table open to me, I went ahead and sat down next to Sunset. Who appears to be wearing the same clothes I saw her in a couple of days ago in, and when we first met. Although the fake gold flakes is an interesting touch.

Sunset: So how have you been?

F/n: Nothing really to complain about, you?

Sunset: Some what tired. I manage to open the idea of a prince to the staff and they decided to try it again.

F/n: Hm. Anything else? Perhaps something that involves the new gold on your hands.

I said as I hand her a napkin while she looks at her hands. It wasn't long until she removed the gold from her hands and crumble up the napkin and place it on the table.

Sunset: Yeah, you could say that. On the bright side, at least a good portion of the male students are now voting for me willingly. Well a vote would matter if anyone was running against me, maybe they'll vote for you instead as a way of saying thanks.

F/n: I doubt that. After all just because you gave them the option to vote doesn't mean they will, or even vote for you.

Sunset: That is unfortunately true, thankfully however I have ways to make them vote for you. So I suppose I should ask if your going to the fall formal.

F/n: If I do, I'll most likely be on the edge of the gym. Assuming of course that is the reason why the gym has been closed for the week.

Sunset: You are correct. Although we do have a gym in the city, maybe we can go together.

F/n: Appreciate the offer, but my dad had some gym equipment so I can probably use that.

Sunset: O-oh your dad huh.

F/n: Yeah although I don't really see him often. With him being in service as for my mother being a detective. Still at least I have a roof over my head.

Sunset: Ah, so you don't really see them.

She said as a I saw a look of sadness, and perhaps sympathy. I then tried to put my hand on top of hers, she seemed surprised at first but then takes her into mind.

Sunset: Still I would actually like to spend some time together, that way people can see us together. After all the best deserved to be recognized together.

F/n: I see. Well, we might as well decide when you wish to go. I already got done with my homework and chess club shouldn't be to long. So, we can go today if you wish.

Sunset: How about at 4pm today?

F/n: Alright then. By the way, how goes your studies?

Sunset: Honestly, it's a piece of cake. And with all of our classes being the advance material, you think they would be more complicated. I take it's the same for you?

The transfer to CHS. (Equestria girls x male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora