Chapter 2

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The Ninja were confused. Why would Lloyd just leave them like that, the mask in his hand, with no heads-up? Lloyd would never do that, that's not him. He tells everyone everything. He is the pure definition of a chatterbox, and when he goes on rambling about his life problems, it's like trying to stop a train that's going 300mph with your bare fists. Kai looks at Harumi, glaring sharp daggers. His anger started to get the best of him, and this usually doesn't happen. He can be very pissed and irritated, but never wanting to just stab someone and see them bleed out. He stomps towards her, his feet echoing, and grabs her by the neck. Kai holds her up high, like he just won the best trophy in the world. He doesn't try to choke her, but makes her feel enough pain to get the bastard to talk, and he wants every ounce of the situation before there's blood on the floor.

"Why the FUCK were you holding the knife against Lloyd that close, huh?! Were you trying to fucking kill him? Because if you were, I swear to FSM, I'm going to make sure you little motherfucker, you never see the light of day again!" Kai yells at the top of his lungs. The other Ninja had never seen or heard him this angry. They had seen him when he slightly lost his temper, or got really pissed, but never fully threatened someone's life. He was blinded by his anger. He didn't know what Lloyd had done to make Harumi act out, and he couldn't understand why she did what she did, but he knows it's not a life threatening reason. Knowing that his little brother's life is at stake makes his blood boil and freeze at the same time. Every time he sees Lloyd risk his life, he gets scared. Every time he gets hurt by the enemy, he wants them to burn in hell. He didn't want to lose another person he loved. The other Ninja snap their heads around when they hear Kai yell. They have heard him yell multiple times, but his voice was never this threatening, never so alarming and full of fury.

Nya really needed to know why the knife was that close to Lloyd's neck. He could've died! That would be unforgivable, so Nya completely understands Kai's anger. She needed to hear the full picture, as she never went off of her rash decisions. She never trusted the Jade Princess, not even a little. Her guard was always up around her. From her first sight, she just gave Nya a bad feeling, an ick in her stomach every time. The thought of her just bugs her so much. Though she started to warm up to her, the feeling never shook off. She walked towards the commotion, rage slightly brewing inside.

"I was trying to defend myself! He started to attack, and-and I didn't know what to do! It was just instinct, I swear!" Harumi yells. She was horrified. tears were streaming down her cheek, as if she had been crying. She struggled in Kai's grasp until he finally let her go. She started gasping for air, hunched over. Breathing felt like a gift from the heavens, because it probably was. Harumi felt as if she was about to die, right in front of all the Ninja.

"Why the fuck would he be attacking you? He doesn't promote violence without a good reason, even when it comes to his father," Nya demands. There was something that Harumi was hiding from them, something very important that could change the tide of the situation, and Nya knew it. Harumi was just trying to save her sorry ass for what she had done. Lloyd wouldn't attack anyone without a good reason. He likes to talk out the problem as best as they could, before resolving to violence.

"I jumped on him after he was acting suspicious when he had the mask in his hands, after I demanded to see it," Harumi admits, still breathing heavy. Of course! She wanted to just have the mask for herself, and destroy the chances of the Ninja winning against whatever the Sons Of Garmadon were planning. Harumi wasn't trustworthy at all, and the Smith siblings knew this. Lloyd was just trying to defend himself from her.

P.I.X.A.L is still trying to fix up the projector and technologically advance the Bounty when she gets a message from one of the improved screens. It was an email sent from an anonymous person. She opens the notification and calls the Ninja immediately after. This is important. It was about Lloyd.

"Ninja, we have a problem. I got a message from an unknown user who said that they had Lloyd and the last mask. The person sent us the location," P.I.X.A.L finishes and everyone looks amongst themselves. They can save Lloyd from whoever kidnapped him. But how did he get kidnapped? If that happened, he would have tried his best to contact the Ninja, at least give them some sort of location and secret hints. Suddenly, Kai bolts from his position, making his way out of the cave. The rest of the Ninja start racing down the mountain, sprinting towards the Bounty. Harumi was treading behind them, barely able to catch up. She wasn't built for running, as her strength was stealth. She was still upset and heartbroken from earlier. The betrayal still hurt her inside, eating her away. The Sons of Garmadon have been terrorizing the city for months, even killing everyone she possibly knew by collapsing the Royal Palace building on itself suffocating everyone who got stuck inside the ruin of the Royal Palace, except Harumi. She escaped just in time somehow. Why couldn't it be her who was still there? She wouldn't have gotten into this mess, going left and right with Ninja, putting herself in deadly situations and she would be with a family who loved her dearly. Even though the duties of the Jade Princess were a lot and she wanted to be free of the stress and responsibilities, and facade. The Royal family was nice to her after bringing her in and treating her as if she was their own daughter. Now they are gone because the Leader and Master of the Ninja, Green Ninja, Ultimate Spinjitzu Master, protector of all Ninjago, decided to go against his own morals and go and revive Lord Garmadon, and destroy the beloved city who has gone through so many things.

"Guys! Help! Someone is attacking the Bounty and I don't think I can take them as Samurai X! Please come quick!" P.I.X.A.L yells into the earpiece, static prevalent, desperately waiting for the Ninja. She takes everything important on the Bounty and puts it somewhere safe where the intruder will never find it. P.I.X.A.L had built a tiny little storage room where she kept all of her most precious things. Stuff that Zane gave her, technology that she had taken from Cyrus Borg's tower. She hears very muffled footsteps, ruffling of trees, and very, very hushed whispering slowly getting louder and louder through the forest. The Ninja must be close by! Thank goodness! She tries her best to stall the person in the black robe a bit longer by throwing something behind her back, then she hears elemental powers being used. She quickly turns around to see that the mysterious figure was at the complete opposite side of the Bounty. She hadn't even looked that long, and she didn't even blink. The Ninja try their hardest to at least get one hit on the mysterious figure, but all of their moves are being evaded. She runs up to the fight to see what is happening, but the black figure disappears again, only to show up behind P.I.X.A.L and quickly places something tiny on the Bounty. P.I.X.A.L goes to take a closer look, and figures out that it was a weird looking bomb. She quickly tries her best to slow the countdown, and the other Ninja come up for a closer look at the situation.

"What's happening P.I.X.A.L?" Jay asks. He peeks over P.I.X.A.L's shoulder to see the deep purple bomb with Lord Garmadon's face counting down from 25 seconds. The robot is struggling to even get one step closer to defusing the bomb. This bomb was clearly different, as it was made using different mechanics. It was no use, she failed. As she sees the counter go down to 10 seconds, she gets up and starts running as quickly as she can and as far as she can away from the bomb. The Ninja follow her lead and back up with her. When the bomb was at one second, everyone covered their ears and shut their eyes. No sound was made from the bomb. It has clearly been one second, so why isn't the Bounty blown up, the crew with it? P.I.X.A.L gets up from her position and slowly walks toward the direction of the bomb. Nya follows her quickening her pace as she saw that the bomb place by the mysterious figure didn't do any damage. P.I.X.A.L checks one of the screens, but it only shows directions to a place. She tries another one, but it shows the same thing. P.I.X.A.L starts to worry. Was going their the only choice? They had to get Lloyd back, and if the directions are showing up on every screen, then it must be urgent.

"I guess we're heading for the Dark Island guys," P.I.X.A.L announced. The Ninja had turned their head when they heard the news and started to get ready.

'We're coming for you Lloyd' is what everyone thought with determination painted on their faces.

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