~-•*chapter name*•-~

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Inside the bookbag were viles with gases inside and.... hand drawn photos with the faces scribbled out? They seemed to have been made by a 6 or 7 year old.

I quickly closed the bookbag, I'll look at them tomorrow, I was feeling a bit tired anyways. I laid down on the sleeping bag and tried falling asleep though it took a while I managed to fall asleep.

              (T I M E S K I P to morning)

I woke up and felt like I hadn't slept at all which was probably true since I kept waking up in the middle of the night because I was so uncomfortable.

I got up and grabbed my stuff, I saw that Oeca wasn't on the floor anymore but he also wasn't in the house, he probably left.

I opened the door and walked out but couldn't help but glance at Origami and Apo. I shook my head and walked away towards the forest.

I walked around looking for my tree house. I finally found it after a bit of searching. I climbed up and went to my nest falling on it and almost instantly falling asleep.

                (T I M E S K I P to morning)

I woke up with a yawn, I was still tired and I noticed it was late morning, I sighed, knowing I'm not getting anymore sleep.

I let my wings out and glided down to the ground, I started tending to my little garden.

After I was done I grabbed my fishing rod and opened my wings, quickly flying through the trees like if it was second nature, I didn't even hit a branch! I landed near the bank of the river and sat down, grabbing some bait and putting it on the hook, I threw the line and started fishing.

After a bit of fishing I remembered the backpack that had the viles and other things.

I got up and flew back home, I had left the backpack at the side of my nest.

Finally making it back I grabbed the backpack and opened it pulling everything out carefully, I didn't want anything to break, especially not the viles, who knows what the gas inside could do.

I put the viles back in the backpack leaving it for another time and focusing on the drawings.

I looked at the drawings, they had people who I didn't know, they had their head scribble out.

Suddenly I heard someone call out my name and I shoved the drawings in the bookbag again.

"Willow!" I heard someone call again. I went back to my nest, raping my wings around me protectively.

I didn't want anyone to see my tree house, well, origami already found out about it but hopefully nobody else does. "Willow!"  Oh it was Origami, but they sounded angry, I ignored that though, it's probably just their accent.

I stayed in my nest, not wanting to move, "Willow! Are you here?" They called out, "I am!" I replied, I quickly covered my mouth, why did I reply?

I could feel someone staring at me, most likely Origami, I poked my head out, staring back at them.


Okie dokie! My head hurts and sleeping is not helping and now I'm in the car by myself!

Words: 549

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