"i can't say guys. the label don't trust me to say anything but trust me if i could i very much would."

"well why aren't you telling anyone?" dave interrogated from beside her.

"because i was told i can't because i always spoil stuff-"

"- you do"

"jasmine are you still upset i spoiled wolf blood for you all them years ago. never mind i just saw your reaction. it was a while ago ok? i'm sorry. anyways before i was very RUDELY interrupted, my label say i always spoil stuff so i can't say too much. they're not wrong but it's hurtful. also nowadays you say one thing to one person and the whole world knows it."

"i get that but you can't even let a fellow artist know?" dave inquired further, smirking while looking down at her. yet somehow he missed the blush working it's way onto her cheeks. ( her friends definitely didn't 😏 )

"why you have anyone in mind?"

"ooh dave you're just gonna take that?" aria questioned jokingly hoping for an argument to start between the two.

"i was clearly talking about me." dave replied to amara's question, ignoring her younger sister's question.

" oh yeah i forgot. i mean for what i'm planning right now i don't think you'd fit into it."

"so you are planning an album. guys you heard it here first. straight from the horse's mouth." dave announced to the group with a proud smirk on his face.

"are you calling me a horse?"

"no! no it's a phrase mars!"

"it is?"

" i swear you're supposed to be really smart."

"shut up ( ! )" amara said sarcastically, as she smiled while looking away and he smiled down at her. this obviously stirred a reaction from everyone in the room as they all made eye contact, a smile slowly creeped its way onto their faces.

"so are you guys like friends now?"

"oaks do you have any tact." ria scolded him as he just happily smiled at her ( listen she's human of course she folded a bit ).

"no and you should know that by now."

"um yeah i guess-" amara mumbled in response to oakley's inquiry.

"-i don't know." dave murmured at the same time.

"damnnnn that's rough."

"oakley! tact! come on now there's a time and a place and this is clearly neither. like we could have lived without you saying that."

"yeah and we could have lived without you telling me off."

"ok you know what-"

as oakley and ria continued to bicker, amara started to second guess whether her and dave were actually becoming friends. she was starting to overthink every new interaction they had. she just slowly looked towards dave but found him already looking at her with a perplexed look on his face.

dave had the similar confused thoughts about amara. he had only said that he wasn't sure if they were friends since amara was always so judgemental of him, so he wasn't sure what to answer. in reality, he felt incredibly close to amara over the last few days. he found her incredibly interesting and wondered why he'd been so cold to her for as long as he'd known her. he just hoped she wasn't hurt by what he said.

"are you guys done arguing?" jasmine questioned but the tone was rather demanding.

"yeah yeah we're done i proved myself right so... don't cut me off oakley." ria stated smugly.

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