Miltons House|| Chapter 6

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I am just thinking about one of the last things I have heard Kim say to Brett. I seriously need to ask her about the fake relationship. I'm obviously not going to tell her about mine because Donna Tobin didn't wanna break up with me because it somehow to 'early'.

I won't fight her like Kim did to Brett but-

"Hello, Seaford High Students. I just want to thank you all for coming on the last day before break. Don't forget to study for the upcoming exams after the break. This is your president Milton Krupnik excusing you all from class. Have a wonderful break! " Everyone cheered because they get to leave 5 minutes early and honestly I do too.

We all ignore Mr. DeLuca as he gives out the homework and run up to the gate. My class is the farthest and since there is a huge crowd to the gate, Milton, Eddie, Jerry and Kim already waiting for me.

"Okay did you all pack your stuff for the greatest sleepover of all time! " Eddie's voice cracks as he tells out his sentence and we all burst out laughing.

"I brought my duffle bag with me. It was in my locker the whole day! " Kim brings out the duffle bag that was behind her back and since it was rhinestoned it shines all over our faces.

We cover our eyes and look at Jerry." di you pack anything..? " I am a bit worried because last sleepover I had to share most of my stuff with him because he forgot.

"Yes sir! 2 packs of underwear, 1 pair of shorts and random shirts." he smirks as he digs in his bag. I'm pretty sure he brought pranking supplies. It is so obvious! He pranks us with Eddie every single sleepover.

I obviously brought my stuff so we just head over to Miltons." please don't break my NASA Shuttle Expedition! I've spent a week on it!" Milton says in a high pitch voice. He obviously hasn't hit puberty like me and Jerry

"Don't worry, I don't care about some Lego set.." Kim says as she is texting someone on her phone. I slow down while I am walking and now I am walking next time her.

"So, care to tell me what happened with you and Brett?" I say as I put a arm over her. And ruffle her hair to annoy her.

"One second, I'm texting Grace!" she whisper yells and we wait at a stoplight.
"Cmon, Grace can wait. This is the ultimate Wasabi sleepover?!" I say over exaggerating.

"mhm okay" She is still texting, no wonder her phone always get taken away when her parents are around.

"Ahem, we are crossing the street get off the phone!!" I hate getting ignored so I take her 'new iphone' and put it in my pocket.

"Jack!! Give it to me" she says lightly punching my sides.

"I'll give it to you maybe before we sleep, spend time with us!" she groans and agrees

Finally I have her attention. "Everyone the texting queen is back!" and everyone does a cheer and applause. She hits every single one of us but it's worth it.

"Welcome to the Krupniks residence!" I cringe at what he says.

"Dude! You sound like a person who sells homes" Eddie says

"Real estate agent" Kim whispers in Eddie's ear.

"You sound like a real estate agent!" he says it again.

We all laugh at him, this is nice. Me and my best friend and all this school stuf is gone. For a week!

We run into Miltons house, in pretty sure I've only been here once but I remember where his kitchen is.

She fell first but he fell harder|| 𝓴𝓲𝓬𝓴Where stories live. Discover now