enemies with benefits? (wakashin)

Start from the beginning

"oh right.. is he a friend?" the nurse asked, picking up the first-aid kit.

"..something like that?" wakasa mumbled while nurse gently treated shinichiro's wounds and bruises.

there was some awkward silence before the nurse finally stood back up. "are there any bruises or wounds on his body?" she questioned.

"I don't really know." wakasa sighed. "I don't think he does, though" he continued.

"yeah? well, you can stay here for awhile. he may regain his consciousness in awhile!" the nurse smiled, throwing the bloodied cottons in the bin.

"..right, and how long is that 'awhile'?" wakasa mumbled. "I can assume upto.. 30 minutes?" the nurse smiled while wakasa sighed, giving a soft nod. "you and your friend can stay here till then, I'll let your teachers know. as far as I know, shinichiro's in 2-D and you're his.. classmate?" the nurse asked, almost out of the infirmary. "no, I'm in 2-K. it would be my chemistry right now, I think.." wakasa answered while the lady nodded, walking away.

wakasa looked over to shinichiro, blushing slightly. fuckk, why does he feels this way whenever he looks at this guy's pathetic-- helpless face?? (cus your a sadist? idk).

he gently held shinichiro's chin for while before he withdrew his hand, letting out a heavy sigh as he took out his phone and used it.

apparently 15 minutes passed by and shinichiro finally got up, rubbing his eyes.

"eh?" he blinked, confused as he looked around as his gaze fell onto wakasa using his phone.

"welcome back to life" wakasa rolled his eyes, smirking as he closed his phone. "why thank you" shinichiro spoke weakly, sticking his tongue out.

"god, your annoying" wakasa mumbled lowly as his eyes went to stare from shinichiro's tongue to shinichiro's eyes.

"says who-" "imaushi" wakasa spoke right away.

shinichiro gave a confused look.

"who the heyllll-"

"it's my first name" wakasa chuckled. (their first names aren't their actual names, it's like our last names. japanese stuff ig. like 'xiao asahi' isn't really how we say it; people say asahi xiao----💀💀💀💀).

"didn't needed that info, but okay" shinichiro sighed. "what class is it?"

"second last class, gonna be finished in 15 more mins" wakasa answered. "just go home, kid, or i can drop ya' off if you want" wakasa chuckled. "I'm not the kid here!!" the older sighed. "and um, I hope you really won't mind actually doing that, I'm tired" shinichiro chuckled. "you owe me a lot, seriously" wakasa stood up, holding out his hand. "come on, or do you want me to carry you, again?" he chuckled.

shinichiro got confused.. until it hit him- like seriously hit him..


shinichiro rolled his eyes in response, standing up on his own. "just fucking lead the way.." he mumbled while wakasa let out a chuckle.

eventually, the got out of the school and wakasa sat on his bike, patting the back-seat.

shinichiro got on, gently adjusting his hands on the back-handle slightly (what tf dy call it I forgot).

"don't be shy to hold onto me~" wakasa snickered. "your so fuckin' gay" shinichiro mumbled as wakasa chuckled, starting the motorbike.

"uhh, where now??????" wakasa asked, puzzled.





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