☆ amusement park ☆ (mitake and bajifuyu)

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Takemichi woke up, feeling pretty better than before. 'Imma go to the washroom' takemichi thought and tried getting out of the bed "fuck.." takemichi groaned slightly while keeping a hand on his back. 'So do I gotta crawl till there?' Takemichi thought to himself as he sighed. 'I'll just walk by the help of wall-?' Takemichi got out of bed, walking along the wall and got into the washroom. As he closed the door and looked into the mirror he was shocked as hell.

"S-so many bite marks and bruises" takemichi mumbled. As takemichi tried to walk, he felt sudden pain at the back. "Fuck I hate life right now" takemichi groaned. "Oi takemichi are you in there?" Mikey asked worried. "Hey reply to me? Are you alright??" Mikey asked once again. "Did you fuck me or broke my bones?" A low voice came from the washroom. "Huh?! What.- what do you mean??" Mikey asked being even more worried. "I can't fucking walk-" just as takemichi completed his sentence Mikey entered the washroom. "what do you mean you can't walk-?!" Takemichi chuckled. "Sorry takemitchy-" Mikey apologized as he started carrying takemichi. "Ah don't worry-- hey!! No need to carry m--" takemichi was just interrupted by a kiss. "uh-uhmm.." he's always like that. He always gets flustered whenever Mikey suddenly kisses him. "You're so cute i swear to god-" takemichi just blushed. "What you want to eat, takemitchy? ♡" Mikey asked gently. "Coffee and toast will do ♡".

"wait wasn't there a toman meeting today?" Takemichi asked while washing the dishes. "already cancelled it" Mikey replied while playing with takemichi's hairs. "Oi, takemitchy?" Mikey called out his name once again. "Yes Mikey-kun?" Takemichi replied looking towards Mikey. "Wanna go on a date today?" Mikey asked blushing slightly. "S--sure!!" Takemichi replied while blushing as well.

At evening ;)

"Wake up sleeping beauty-" takemichi joked. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Mikey yelled out of no where and grabbed takemichi's hand. "Hah?" Mikey pulled him towards himself causing him to fall on mikey. "Aaa!! Sorr--" takemichi tried getting up but got pulled closer until both of their lips met

After they both got ready for the date;))

"Let's goooo" Mikey seemed so adorable right now! He grabbed takemichi's hand sat on his motorbike. "Hop on takemitchy!" Takemichi did as he was told to. "Grip tight onto me, I don't want you falling on earth for someone else other than me!!" Mikey joked. That slight joke made takemichi a blushing mess and he buried his head in Mikey's back while hugging him from the back.

"Where are we going though?" Takemichi asked. "The amusement park" Mikey replied. "I heard it's your favorite place since there's a ferris wheel there?" Mikey completed his sentence while getting off the motorbike. Smirking, and leading a hand towards takemichi so he can get off as well. "Well..yeah." takemichi replied while getting off the motorbike and grabbing Mikey's hand.

Mikey dragged takemichi. "Wait isn't that baji and--" Mikey asked giving takemichi a confused look while looking at takemichi first then at the bench where two boys were sitting. "CHIFUYUUUUU!!" takemichi yelled out of excitement. 'heh, cute ♡' Mikey thought to himself while his boyfriend ran towards the bench. "TAKEMICHI!" Chifuyu got out of the bench, and stood with his both hands open so his bestfriend could hug him. "Yo, Mikey." "hey baji" Mikey replied while sitting besides baji.

"What are you doing here?" Baji asked. "Why, don't you like me being here?" Mikey replied. "No- i meant you'd come here with shin or Emma and grandpa. But you know you're here with takemichi" baji chuckled. "Oh uhhh yeahhh" Mikey laughed along nervously.

Chifuyu and takemichi were standing a bit away from both of them, so they weren't able to hear them. "So- whatcha doing here with baji? hmm?" Takemichi smirked. "Oh. just baji wanted me to hangout with him so we got here." Chifuyu chuckled nervously while blushing, which was obviously visible to takemichi. "like a date? woahh" takemichi kept teasing. "hell no!! shut the fuck up-!!" Chifuyu yelled. "Huh? What's up chifuyu?" Mikey and baji went off towards both of them. "hah. nothing.." chifuyu mumbled.

Not a long after chifuyu spoke that there was someone calling takemichi. "whoops hold a second lol" takemichi took his phone out. "Oi chifuyu, the call is for you" takemichi just read the name of who was calling, yet still didn't answer it. Chifuyu answered the call and separated from everyone. "Fuck. Which fucker wanted to call with chifuyu right now?" Baji mumbled. "Fucker named Naoto" takemichi replied. Mikey chuckled.

"Hey naoto what's up??" Chifuyu seemed sneaky. "Where are you I wanna meet" there came a voice from the phone. "I am out. With baji-san and-" chifuyu was about to finish his sentence when naoto cutted the call. "-- mikey-kun and takemichi". Later on he got a message.

(takemichi's phone)

you got a new message from hina!
Tap to see!

hina: okay bye lol have fun ;) ~Naoto

takemichi: shut up! -.chifuyu.-

Chifuyu sighed and went towards them all. "Here, your phone, 'michi" chifuyu handed takemichi his phone back. "Alright then, now excuse us baji lol" Mikey said while he dragged takemichi and went of rides. "HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE LOVEBIRDS" takemichi lastly yelled that and after a while they just disappeared. "Uh don't mind him" chifuyu said as he sighed. 'Only if it was.' Chifuyu thought.


"Baaaajiiii-saaaaannn I am tireddddd" chifuyu said as he rubbed his head on baji's chest. "Come onnn i am not tired yettttt~" just as he said that he noticed how soft chifuyu's hair were. So he just touched them slightly. "Bajiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! Can I talk to you about something??" Mikey said as he was carrying.. takemichi? "Yeah sure but did takemichi die?" Baji seemed confused. "Yeah he just slept-" Mikey said as he put takemichi next to chifuyu. "Take care of him for a while please." Mikey said as he just said baji go follow him. "So.?" Baji asked. "You." Mikey said pointing towards baji. "Yeah? What about me?" Baji asked. "You got chifuyu here with other intention right?" Mikey asked. "What.?" Baji asked as his voice kinda cracked and his eyes were wide open. "Well. Uhm yeah." Baji tried not making eye contact. "Which intention?" Mikey asked as he chuckled. Baji just blushed slightly. "Was thinking to.. ask him out you know.." baji replied. "When? Me and takemichi won't bother. "At night" baji replied. "Oh where??" Mikey asked looking everywhere. "At the ferris wheel. I will take the seat when it reaches the top the fireworks start. I will ask him out at that time" baji asked. "Don't they take pictures when you reach the top?" Mikey asked.

"That's the point dumb asshole. If he accepts me i'll-" "yeah ok ok bye" Mikey chuckled. He went towards where chifuyu was sitting. "thank you chifuyu." Mikey thanked chifuyu as he carried takemichi. "No problem" chifuyu mumbled.

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