Winter Land of Icirus

Start from the beginning

Sakura is the shy kinda girl but is secretly a closet pervert...which Keenan would know since he's had an interesting time with her in bed and it was something he'll never forget(plus something he wants to forget).

Leaf:anyways how about we have a battle Danika? It's been awhile since I last had one and they could use the exercise.she asked her

Danika:sure I guess so, I wanted to battle Keenan later but I guess you'll do just fine.she agreed to it

Keenan:in that case I'll be the ref then, let's head back to the Pokémon center.he said

Change Scene Tatsumi

With Tatsumi,Gary and Horace as the 3 of them are currently drinking some hot cocoa talking to each other about their recent adventures and also the other crap that they have encountered, as Gary has a Regidrago and a Cresselia. For Horace all he has is a Virizion and that's pretty much it since he isn't that too hell bent on Legendarie's.

Gary:I may have a Regidrago and a Cresselia but you and Keenan has way more then just that, it's kinda nerve wracking really.he said back to him

Tatsumi:*chuckles nervously*I guess that's what happens when your friends with the Chosen One. The only one that doesn't have that much Legendaries is Ryuga, but he's more of quality over quantity.he said back to him

Horace:hmm tell me why do you guys hate Goh that much? He's honestly...not that bad of a guy.he asked him

Tatsumi:*raises an eyebrow*do you seriously want me to answer that.he asked him

Horace:well...maybe just a few things.he replied

Tatsumi:he's a waste of space, a whiny little bitch that always complain, very fucking annoying, tries and butts into our conversation's and-.he was stopped

Horace:ok ok I get it thanks for that...Tatsumi, but yeesh does everybody hate him.he wondered

Tatsumi:yes especially the readers.he said out loud

All Gary could do was just shrug since he didn't really interacted with Goh that much, and well he only interacted with Horace,Tatsumi and Macy since they are the ones who has the most points out of everyone.

Speaking of which they see Macy currently indulging herself in some ramen noodles in the cold weather which is something the boys would like to eat as well, she seen them and slurped up her noodles and said.

Macy:oh wow so you guys are here in this district as well? You guys gonna get some noodles? It's literally the perfect weather for that.she asked them

Gary:that does look good I worn deny that, but is this where you've been all this time.he asked

Macy:*shakes her head*no I was looking around the city a bit until I stumbled upon this ramen shop, it's actually really good.she replied

Tatsumi:you don't mind if we join you right? We could possibly use this time to catch up since you were sick with that Kyogre mission...although not like you'd be able to do anything anyways.he asked her

Macy:sure whatever I don't mind, but yeah even I know I wouldn't do much in that Kyogre mission. But this time i won't holding everyone back.she said determinedly

Change Scene Quillon

Both Quillon and Regina are also taking in the sights as they have brought a few souvenirs as well and for them it's kinda good to have a break from work every once in awhile, since Regina knows how much of a workaholic her boyfriend can be.

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