ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟: 𝔸 𝕨𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜

Start from the beginning

To be honest? It kinda scared me at first. I don't need people to try and understand me and my behavior, especially not my new brother.

But after a few days around him, I think I got used to it. To him.
And I guess he got used to me as well.
Now, whenever I catch him looking at me, he actually gives me a small smile before looking away.

And I return a smile of my own.

It's weird.
I didn't think I'd be able to be friendly, nor did I think I'd want to.
But it just... happened.

I still feel out of place, though.
It's been a long time since I've lived under someone's supervision, and let me tell you, the guards are not helping.

I've been dying to leave and try to find Jace, but they are standing at the gate, looking all scary and stuff.
I'm worried that if I leave they'll immediately report it to Alessandro and Amadeo.

If they'll do that, I'm doomed.

You see, my two oldest brothers are everywhere.
Amadeo is constantly checking up on me, which was nice at the beginning, but then it became... Too much.
Maybe it's because I'm not used to that type of relationship.

And Alessandro is even worse.
He feels like he needs to make sure I'm fine twenty-four seven.
When he's not out doing whatever buissnes they do, he watches me like a hawk.

Is that what parents do? Wait, are Alessandro and Amadeo actually my lesbian moms?

"Yeah, of course the two of you would like that freaky shit." Rivo rolled his eyes, and I got back to reality.
They both stole my chips.

Great, now I want some as well.

"At least share." I mumbled while leaving my bed, careful not to step on any of the clothes.

Santo pushed the bag in my direction, and I gladly took some out.

"Your room looks awful." he commented, and I suddenly felt the need to smack my head against the wall.

"I know!" I groaned. "My friend usually cleans up after me or threatens to kill me if I won't do it, so yeah."

Rivo smirked and crossed his hands over his chest. "I can threaten to kill you, if you'd like."

I smiled sarcastically and mimicked his pose. "I can actually kill you, if you'd like."

"I think I saw a cockroach running over there." Santo mumbled, chips in his mouth. He was looking directly into my room, and that was it.

I shrieked. "I'm cleaning my room. Leave."


"What are you doing?"

I jumped, turning around to face Alessandro.

I was observing the guards from the living room windows, trying to find a way in which I'd be able to sneak out without alerting anyone.

Which, by the way, is impossible. God, it's annoying.

And apparently, I can't even spy in peace.
I'm telling you, it's like Alessandro's waiting in the shadows, that scary dude.

He's wearing a black suit, but the blazer is long forgotten, leaving him with a white button shirt.

Everything about him screams authority, and it makes me a bit nervous.
You see, I'm not the one to follow rules, and I know it's just a matter of time before they'll give me some.

The summer vacation is close to an end, and I have a feeling that Alessandro is very strict when it comes to school.
Sucks for him, I guess.

"Oh, hey." I jumped off the chair. "didn't hear you sneaking up on me."

He chuckled and lazily pointed a finger towards the window. "trying to find a weak link?"

Great, now he's making fun of me.
"Ugh, look." I groaned and stepped closer to him. It's best to just spit it out.
"I need to leave."

His smile dropped, and his entire posture became stiff.
He blinked a few times and took a cautious step towards me. "What? Why?"

My eyes widened. "No! I didn't mean like leave leave." I quickly waved my hands in dismissal. "We made a deal which I respect, but I need to get out."

He visibly relaxed, but for a second there was some emotion on his face I couldn't quite read.
He placed his hands in his pants' pockets and nodded his head. "You can always go out, you know that, right?"

Well, I did not.

I assumed that if I'll try to leave the guards will rat me out, and then I'll be a prisoner in my room forever.
Which now seems a bit extreme.

Over those past few days, I noticed how different things are here.
As a child I used to be monitored all day long.
I had to look over my shoulder at all times, because one second of weakness ment pain.

I always thought about the worst case scenarios, but I'm starting to think that I just might not need to do that here.

"I do?" I asked cautiously, wanting him to confirm.
Freedom under someone else's roof is not a thing I can easily imagine.

"Of course, Olive." he responded gently, almost knowingly. "You don't have to worry about things like that anymore, but I do prefer if you'll have someone with you when you go out, maybe one of us."

"One of you?" I repeated, still a bit startled by his words. Why is he talking like he actually cares?

He sighed.
I watched as he sat down on the edge of the sofa in front of me, rolling his sleeves up and revealing some tattoos.
"Do you remember I told you about our family business?"

"How can I forget?" I mumbled, looking back at the dozens of guards surrounding the house.

He chuckled and nodded his head. "Well, that's exactly my point. People were always trying to hurt us because of it, and now that you're finally back, we have to keep you safe. I won't let anyone lay their fingers on you." his eyes held so much force, and I suddenly felt like crying.

"None of us will, and that's a promise."

Chapter 17 yallll!
2.6k reads?? What?? It was 1k just like 3 days ago.
Thank you so much. I mean it.

The only thing you need to make sure you do is vote and comment, because that tells me you enjoy my book, and I really need to know that in order to keep writing <3

Believe me when I tell you I almost screamed when I woke up to 27 notifications.

So, keep being your awesome selves!
And again, thank you :) I really love all of you.

Okay byeeeee

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