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Dominic's Pov

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Dominic's Pov

I walk down the stairs, rubbing my eyes as i sniff the air, smelling the smell of my mama's delicious breakfast. I walk into the kitchen and smile, seeing my sister dancing around the kitchen singing in Spanish. I have missed her being so carefree and somewhat happy because i haven't seen her like this since our father was taken from us. She has our father's brown curly hair, and she has brown eyes, too, which she also kind of got from our father since our father had one brown eye and one grey eye. I also see my mother reading one of my father's diaries, but suddenly her eyes go wide, and i panic, rushing over to her, wondering what could have sent her into a panic.

"The man that was flirting with me yesterday when we got here is your godfather." She said, pointing at me

"What!?" I said, shocked

"He flirted with you!" Alejandra said, looking amused

"It looks like when your father disappeared with you for the day he took you here and Charlie is your godfather, but someone called Caius is Alejandra's godfather." She said, pushing her glasses up her nose

"I'm human, so why would papà think it was necessary for me to have a godfather? He told me only his lion cubs would have godparents in case something terrible happened." Alejandra said, confused

"Oh, hermana. Just because you are human doesn't mean anything. You were and still are papà's cub. He never thought of you differently. He still loved you just as much as he loved me and mamà. So you having a godfather was papà being his usual protective self because he wanted to make sure you were protected in case something goes wrong." I said, wrapping one arm around my sisters shoulders

"How do we find my godfather? I want to meet who papà picked for a person who is meant to protect me." Alejandra asked, tilting her head

"I can put a word out into the supernatural world and see what information i will get back." I said, wanting to do anything for my sister

"Isn't that dangerous?" She said, looking up at me worriedly

It's extremely dangerous, and i don't recommend you don't it, Dominic. You are a lone lion, and anyone in the supernatural world could target you while you are vulnerable. I will not lose a son like i lost a husband." Mamà said, putting papà's diary down

"Plus mamà told me you found your mate, so you need to concentrate on him, not me, hermano." Alejandra said playfully, winking at me, making me chuckle

"Ahh, speaking of your mate. We are meant to be finding him today so both of you get your asses into the car and open all the windows. We are going to track a scent." Mamà said amusingly

"Mamà i am not a dog." I said, crossing my arms

"No, you are a handsome little kitty." Alejandra said, giggling, then ran out the house

"Oh, she didn't." I said, looking at mamà

"Oh, she did." She said laughing

I pick up mamà bridle style, grab the car keys off the coffee table, and then run outside to the car. I gently sit mamà down onto the front passenger seat, then walk around, climb into the drivers seat, and start the ignition. Alejandra tries to reach over to reach the cord to play music from her phone, but mamà slaps her hand away, making her whine. I chuckling, seeing her rubbing her hand as i start to drive, making sure all the windows are open. After five minutes of driving, his scent hits me full force, and my foot presses down further on the accelerator. I hear a low, deep growl slip from my lips because his scent makes my inner lion growl in happiness. I hear my mother tell Alejandra to hold on tight as the speedometer reaches 100, but i can't slow down because my inner lion wants our mate.

Within minutes, i stopped the care outside a house that smelled heavily of my mate and vampires. I look at my sister and mother worriedly because i know i should have never brought them here. My mother takes one look at me, then climbs out the car with Alejandra and quickly goes to the front door before i can even get out of the car. I jump out of the car, leaving the drivers door open, then run over to them just as mamà knocked on the door. Alejandra hides behind me, shaking because I think she can pick up on my uneasiness while my mamà just stands there with her head held high like the queen she is. Within seconds, the door is ripped open with such speed i grab mamà and push her behind me next to Alejandra.

"Hello. We have been expecting you." A girl said with a pixie like hairstyle

"Hello dear, please do not mind my son. Please, my i, speak to your parents?" Mamà said softly, stepping out from behind me

"Of course you may. Please follow me." She said as i felt Alejandra grab a handful of my shirt

"Hermana, salta sobre mi espalda y esconde tu cara en mi cuello. (Sister, jump on my back and hide your face in my neck)." I said softly, and she did just that. She jumps into my back, wrapping her legs around my waist

"Thank you, dear." Mamà said, making the girl smile.

Mamà walks inside with me, not too far behind her, and i feel Alejandra's breathing gets heavy against my neck. I turn my head and kiss my little sisters forehead, wanting to comfort her the best i can right now. The pixie haired girl shuts the front door and then leads us up some stairs into an open living where i see six other vampires and one human. My eyes immediately locked onto my mate, who was already looking at me with shocked filled eyes while the human was looking at me and my family in curiosity.

"Carlisle, Esme. This kind lady wanted to speak with you." The girl said, making two vampires look at my mamà

"What would you like to speak about ma'am." The female who must be Esme said softly

" The female who must be Esme said softly

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