meeting the murder drones final part

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I don't own the image and this will be the last chapter before the actual events of the show

and without further I do enjoy


F(Freddy): (it's been a few days since I start to live with the disassembly drones and during that time I start to Understand there personalities better like J is super Ioyal to the company and she will do anything the company say without questions or hesitations, and V is enjoy killing worker drones during her "hunting", but when it comes to N hes been treated like an outcast I was so confused when I first heard this and when I ask J about that she said that N is useless and terrible and when I ask her why, she said that he is stupid and horrible at his job. I really don't like the way they treated him because I know for a fact that N is kind hearted man I can't help but feel bad for him he's trying his best for the squad but J doesn't acknowledge it at all that's what made me spend more time with him other then the others and that was really making J angry saying that we have two nice one's now)

(a week later)

F(Freddy): (I was talking with N while V and J where out hunting togather also J said that she doesn't want N to go hunting with them today and I didn't want to go at all so we were talking togather so making time move when suddenly I start to feel hungry and N noticed it)

N: hey freddy are you okay?

F(Freddy): yeah I'm okay, but I'm feeling hungry what do you guys usually eat?

N: oil

F(Freddy): excuse me, what?

N: we ingesting worker drones oil

F(Freddy): o-okay then can you excuse me N I will go and take a walk around for a little bit

N: oh yeah okay sure 

F(Freddy): thanks a lot of and if J and V return before me tell them I took a little walk outside

N: sure I love doing anything

F(Freddy): (after that I left the murder drones lair and start to walk around but not away from the lair because I still don't know this area and I don't want to get lost so I continued to walk around to get my mind away from the hunger but minute after minute the hunger wass getting stronger and stronger until it it cannot be ignored but then something unexpected happened I saw a group of worker drones near by but then I felt like something in me change the hunger I was feeling I felt my teeth becomes sharpened and even thought I can't see it I felt my eye visor turned into the big X like the others and and felt my hands turned into the sharp claws and I could feel my own wings opened and without thinking I flyed towards them grapping one and crush his head and start to drink his oil the other workers were shock and scared I turned towards the rest of them and now they were even scared now and I fly towards another one and used my claws and sliced him apart and I turned one of my hands into a rocket launcher and shoot another one and it blows him up killing him instantly and the last worker wasn't able to see because of the explosion but after the explosion fade away I run towards him and grap him from his neck and start to punch him in his face until his face was completely destroyed and I start to drink his oil two and when I was done I let go of his corpse and let fall on the ground but then I look at a broken mirror and even thought it was broken I can still see reflexive on it and I saw myself with a big X on my visor and one of my hands were a sharp claws and the other one was a rocket launcher but then I manage to control myself again the hunger was gone and my weapons my hands were normal again and I look at the massacre that I just did.)

F(Freddy): oh no oh no oh no oh no what have I done!?


F(Freddy): this voice could it be(I turned around to see N and V and J all looking at me with big eyes but then they start to clapping?)

J: I must say not bad for you're first attempt.

V: I really like it specially when you beat that last worker drone to death.

N: It was really amazing freddy.

F(Freddy): (N give it me a thumbs up and I return it with a one two)

F(Freddy): but I just killed them all.

J: so what?, it's our mission to kill all the worker drones did you forget?

F(Freddy): oh yeah sorry I forget

J: ugh and I thought N was useless you're useless like him two that doesn't matter now the sun is rising we need to go back to the lair.

(when there back at the lair)

J: now everyone go to sleep we need to be fully prepared to go hunting again.

(V waste no time and is already sleep upside down on the roof of the lair and she was followed by J and she is a sleep two and when N is about to go sleep two I ask him a question)

F(Freddy): hey N can I ask you question?

N:sure, what is it?

F(Freddy): is it really okay for us to kill the workers?

N: of course it is we are doing what the company made us to do and we simply following the rules

F(Freddy):okay thanks for answering my question

N: anytime freddy(and with that N was a sleep too)

F(Freddy): well since it the company's rules I guess it's okay(and then I was sleep too)

(a few days later)

F(Freddy): ( I start going hunting with the disassembly drones now because J told me that if I don't ingesting the worker drones oil I will overheat and die I don't know why she didn't told me that sooner but anyway I start to go hunting with them but I mostly going with N because he is the only nice one here and I start to having a lot of fun)

F(Freddy): maybe is isn't so bad afterall

(but I still can stop feeling like they are other people I know but I can't put my finger towards who exactly)


hope you guys enjoy this chapter and once again I'm sorry if it's bad but I will try and make them better in the future anyway after this chapter the actual events of the show will start like I said on top also I know that the way freddy refuse to kill worker drones and then suddenly start to killing them is weird but I couldn't think of a better way anyway see you guys at the PILOT EPISODE

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