Pearl rat to them in slight worry and panic before looking at them

Pearl:"thank god that y'all are unharmed, I was worried, I saw the debrie fall and Amethyst as well, and the we saw the debrie hit izuku so we got worried!" She looked Amethyst over to check for any damage but she was fine

While that as happening izuku was being checked over by Garnet and Steven, until they saw a crack on his gem

Steven:"izuku!, your gem, it's cracked!" He yells out in worry

Izuku:"I'll be fine, I'll heal but it's going to be slow and steady, so don't worry" he smiles in pain

Garnet:"I got a better idea" she picks him up from the floor "everyone, were going to Rose's fountain to heal izuku" they nodded, everyone but Steven

Pearl:"will put up a fence, that very dangerous" she nods to herself

*Pause To Story*

Steven:"and that's why there's a fence now!, the end" he munched on his sandwich

Connie:"wait what happened to izuku afterwards?" He became nervous

Steven:"ummm, uhh?"
Connie:"come on, you can tell me" she said in a reassuring
Steven:"I don't wanna" he whined slightly

Suddenly someone sat next to the two, it was izuku

Izuku:"if you aren't going to tell her I might as well do it then" he nodded

Steven:"only if she let me borrow her glasses" he said playfully

Connie:"only if you give me the pie you have with you!" They exchanged the things they have

Steven:"just a warning, once you eat it you can have enough of it, also izuku made it" he pointed at izuku

Izuku:"and I thought we both agreed that you would lay down on the food for a while" he crossed his arms "anyways were getting sidetracked"

*Resume Story*

Steven:"and how does the place look like?" He asked Garnet

Garnet:"it full of Roses and it has a few statues of your mother, an-" she was interrupted by pearl who explained the rest as they warped away

Steven:"how does my mother's fountain heal people?"

Garnet:"Steven your mother had healing tears that flowed from her gem, she felt love for those around her and felt really sad when they got hurt" he nodded "and I believe you inherited her healing abilities, but they haven't developed yet" he nodded with stars in his eyes

They got to the area with pearl trying to explain the place

Pearl:"and in the middle was the fountain, flowing with your mothers tears" she looked on with grace, expecting to see the place... Didn't mean to rhyme I promise

Garnet:"I don't see it!" She stated with frustration

Izuku:"calm down, we don't want you to be angry and have an out come like... That last time lets just say" she nodded as he showed her a reassuring smile

Garnet and Pearl left to look for the fountain

Steven:"wait... Pain!, pain makes me cry!" He said out in excitement... For some odd reason

Izuku:"I don't think that's a good idea" he was ignored

He took a step to a thorn bush, with his eyes close and his arm out stretched

The bush moved towards him slight, and out of instinct izuku tackled Steven out of the way before they both fell on top of one another

Garnet:"izuku!, be careful!" She picked him up to inspect the damage, the crack grew larger causing his physical form to glitch

She became desperate, and because of this she launched a bolder through the vines and plants creating a path

Pearl:"we really shouldn't-" she was worried about the area being damaged by the bolder but was cut off by Garnet growling at her

Garnet:"come on!" The frustration present on her face, before seeih the fountain not releasing the tears

Steven looked at the statue of Rose in the middle, before tearing up slightly "is that mom?" He realized he was about to cry "wait I'm getting emotional!" He leans over izuku trying to let a tear drop, but it dried up before it could exit the tear gland

*Pause to the Story*

Steven:"ugh headache" he whines

Iziku:"well you shouldn't have put on those glasses now should you" he grabbed the glasses before giving it over to Connie

*Back to the Story*


teven:"why can't I cry~?" He whines as he fails to cry

Garnet:"... It's fine Steven as I said your powers need practice and still need to develop" she turned away towards a random way " I'm going to find the problem, stay here and don't leave nor lose sight of Izuku" she walked away

Pearl:"wait for us!" She ran after her with Amethyst, leaving Steven with Izuku

Steven has a moment with the statue of his mother

Steven:"I don't understand why everyone's acting strange why can't I-" he looks back at the statue "why can't i cry?!" He shouts out in desperation and frustration before sadness overtakes him "I wish I could have met you, so I can feel sad when I come here..." He lays on the statue

*Pause to the Story*

Connie looked at him in tears while izuku is a little sad about the situation in that moment

Steven:"are you ok?" She nods
Connie pills on izuku sleeves "please continue"

*Resume Story*

The thorn bushes start to rush at them suddenly, causing them to jump into the empty fountain

Steven:"I'm sorry ixuku!, I'm sorry I couldn't save you!" He tears up before a tear falls onto Izuku's gem, but nothing happens

Izuku:"it's alright little buddy, I'm going to be just fine"suddenly the statues eyes bursts with tears, causing izuku to be healed

The bushes turn to Rose bushes and restore the fountain to its former glory... Mostly

Before long Garnet ran over to them, hugging the absolute life out of izuku

Garnet:"I was so worried for you!" She tears up slightly, he hugged back barely able to do so

*End of Story*

Izuku:"and the end, now let's resume this picnic" he grabbed a sandwich, taking a bite "oh yeah, Garnet told me to tell you to try out your spit on a flower after picking it, don't know why but I don't question"

Steven did as told before running off in excitement to show the Gems "I have healing spit!" He shouts as running down the Clif

Izuku:"don't worry about you visions also, I can fix that easily" he took the pie before inbewing with a light produced from his gem, he walks off later on

She takes a bite before restoring her vision "thanks izuku... Really thank you" he waves as he walks away

The Lost Gem (Steven Universe X Mha)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें