Chapter 2: Palace

Start from the beginning

Together, Perseus's eyes were a reflection of the duality of creation and destruction that encapsulated the boundless potential of his existence. They held the secrets of the cosmos, the eons of existence, and the mysteries that awaited discovery in the ever-expanding cycle of life.

Chronos's eyes twinkled with mirth. "He is by far the fairest of all deathless immortals," he quipped, a teasing note in his voice. "You might have some competition now, Lady Chaos."

Chaos offered a light chuckle, filled with a mother's affection, as she looked down at her newborn son. "There is no contest," she replied with a smile, "he is victorious without effort."

With infinite tenderness, Chaos traced a delicate finger over the baby's lips, her touch eliciting a heartwarming smile from young Perseus. "Perseus," she cooed, her voice a soothing melody, "Oh, Perseus."

The other Protogenos, witnesses to this celestial moment, stood in rapt fascination. Their divine forms shimmered with intrigue as they observed Chaos engaging with her newborn son.

Her eyes, pools of maternal love, sparkled with an ethereal light, and they held the entire universe within their depths. "Can you say Perseus?" Chaos encouraged gently.

Perseus responded with the sweet sounds of a baby's laughter; his tiny voice, like the tinkling of bells, filled the garden with its pure, innocent joy as Chaos's finger danced over his face.

"Perseus," she repeated, sounding out the syllables for the baby, "Purrr-Seee-Ousss."

The infant Perseus, ever eager to please his mother, smacked his lips and attempted to mimic her words. "Purr-See," he uttered, his voice a soft, melodious coo that brought tears of joy to the eyes of the watching Protogenos.

All of the immortals, collectively stunned by this unexpected development, couldn't contain their joy. Their laughter and cheers filled the garden as they celebrated the child's first attempt at speech.

"Percy! It is little Percy!" Gaea exclaimed, her heart filled with pride as she gathered Thalassa and Pontus close, dancing with boundless joy.

Amidst the joyous celebration of Perseus's words, the Protogenos continued to revel in the tender moment. Tartarus boomed showers of affectionate words and praise. "You are truly a wonder, Brother Percy; once you are older, we shall engage in combat to the death!"

Ananke, always the voice of reason and decorum, admonished him, delivering a light hit to his arm and shaking her head at his brutish behavior.

The abyssal god let out a groan of whines, his boisterous demeanor suddenly subdued. "What, Ananke? Did I do something wrong?"

Erebus snorted and muttered to himself, though due to their close proximity, everyone heard him. "When are you not doing something wrong?" He quipped, prompting hearty laughter from the gathered Protogenos, even Tartarus, as they appreciated Erebus's wry humor.

As the Protogenos shared their thoughts and blessings for young Perseus, Chaos gently cradled her son in her arms, rocking him back and forth with the soothing rhythm of a loving mother.

Eager to offer his assistance, Phanes insisted on being there for Chaos. He crouched down, laying a hand on her leg as a gesture of support. "Chaos, if you need anything, I am here for you, at your beck and call."

Chaos, with a grateful smile, slowly rose to her feet, her son still nestled securely in her arms. She began to make her way back toward the palace gates, her gait graceful and confident. "Thank you, Phanes," she comforted. "But do not fret; I am the strongest and proudest mother in all of the cosmos. Goodnight, my darlings."

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