4| homeless to homeowner

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"Left yourself in your warpathLost your balance on a tightropeLost your mind tryin' to get it back"

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"Left yourself in your warpath
Lost your balance on a tightrope
Lost your mind tryin' to get it back"

• • •

Ryan was woken with cold fingers tracing hearts along her bare back. A grin lay along her sad face, she turned to face her sweet Emmett looking at her with so much love. A wave of guilt shimmered through her, reminding her how awful she had treated him yesterday, the smile disappearing. He flipped her into his body, eating her up with his large arms, and kissed along her neck and her chest.

"I would be a happier girl if I was woken up like this every morning." Ryan whispered, her heart racing. She still got butterflies from his touch, she always would. He laughed, continuing his trail of kisses along her naked body. "Can we do this all day?" She moaned when his lips met her nipple.

"We could- We have the entire day, baby." He mumbled.

"Now we're talking." Ryan said, pulling the boy's lips to hers. The vampire pulled away, a sly smirk on his face. He loved teasing his mate, her beautiful eyes glaring daggers at him.

"I was thinking we could go for a walk?" Emmett whispered, motioning to the beautiful sunny day showering through the window. "Some sun will do you good."

"Fine, but then we're fucking." Ryan grumbled, stepping out of the warm pillow-filled bed. He covered the bed in pillows because Ryan was a pillow girl. She grabbed the neatly folded clothes set on the loveseat by his large flatscreen tv. She covered her body in the thin fabric, brushing her fingers through her hair. "Where too handsome?"

Emmett pulled Ryan into his arms, his cold fingers brushing along her thighs. "M'lady." He laughed, heading out of his bedroom and through the house. He never left her eyes, taking in all of her beauty. He carried her through the forest, the trees blurring. He stopped in a clearing, wildflowers littering the grass.

"Wow." Ryan giggled, eyeing the baby blue blanket lying on the forest floor. A basket perched on top, she was praying it was food. She was starving. "You planned this?" She shuffled through the basket, pulling out a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chocolate covered strawberries. She dove in. "I hate shifting- I always get so hungry." She grumbled, eyeing the empty sandwich bag.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" He asked, his golden eyes sad. He had this boyish frown on his beautiful face, she didn't like seeing him like this. "Seeing you- like that, it broke my heart."

"I know."

"I can't make this better, but I want to try. I called Sam about you staying here for a bit- he agreed with me for once."

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