As he closed his eyes, that's when the attack began. Dozens of flame arrows flying throughout the sky towards Italica and towards the poor guard.

Guard:"Enemy attack! Send a message to her Highness Princess Piña!

On the western end of the city walls, Itami and his team awaited a request for support.

Itami:"0300, perfect time for a night attack." Looking at his watch then back towards the sound of battle.

Kuwabara:"Although they are now a group of ruffians, they were still regulars on the battlefield."

Itami:"True...any requests for support from the East?"

Kuwabara:"Nothing yet."


The two men could only watch from afar the burning flames and hear the sounds of metal, screams, and death. The only person who was free to do anything was the Slayer himself.

Inserting two shells into his Super Shotgun, he walked with purpose towards the battle. Itami could only imagine what he was capable of doing in real life. Kuwabara, on the other hand, felt intense rage coming from the giant.

Before a word was exchanged, he lept into the air leaving a giant dust cloud behind.

VEGA:"I'm picking up energy signals coming from beyond the attacking force. I believe it's more of Hell's forces that may be trying to enter this realm."

The thought of Demons entering this world angered the Slayer to no end. He would stop this invasion at any cost and defeat the Dark Lord.

"This world and Earth won't fall like our universe."

VEGA:"I share the same feelings. This can be stopped."

Back at the attacks, the brigands made progress entering the city by busting down the gates.

Dozens poured in but those that were still outside faced a new opponent

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Dozens poured in but those that were still outside faced a new opponent.

A bright red portal appeared turning heads of the sudden appearance.

Brigand:"Hey...what's that?"

Brigand:"Magic of some kind?"

A majority of the attacking force all turned around to guard their rear from an unknown emergence. That turned to be their downfall as from the darkness of the portal appeared a massive Archvile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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