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Itami:"Alright, load up! We're heading back."

The Third Recon team started to mount their vehicles to return back to base. Before they could, Vega mentioned word of a living being at a well.

Vega:"Wait, I'm detecting another life form near us. At the bottom of that well."

Kurokawa:"Really!? We mustn't waste a second, there could be someone down there in need of help."

Itami:"Alright, Pops! Give me a hand over here!"


Itami, Kuwahara, Kurata, and Kurokawa all went to investigate Vega's findings. The Slayer went over with them to see who or what it was.

A few elves managed to escape when he came to the rescue but a vast majority weren't so fortunate. Perhaps there was one unlucky soul that fell in to get away from the dragon.

As Vega said, Itami peeked into the well and found an unconcious female elf. He ordered for a bundle of rope so he could rappel in.

Vega:"It would be far faster for you to go in and retrieve the elf." He voiced his opinion. The Slayer scoffed but knew he was right. He jumped in without hesitation nearly scaring everyone around the well.

Itami:"What the hell!?"

Kurata:"Can he even get out?" To his surprise, he jumped back out making him fall to his ass.


Vega:"This elf will need medical attention as she is currently unconcious. She's in need of clothing as well."


Kurokawa:"On it! Please bring her to the back of the vehicle! I'll treat her once she's inside."

The Doom Slayer followed her while the team loaded up. Their intention of bringing him back to their base wasn't forgotten by Itami.

Itami:'Hoh boy, hopefully they don't make this too much than it has to be.'


Piña:"So that's why we need your help, you are the only one who can speak to the Doom Slayer. We wish to know why he helped the enemy."

Tyuule:"Princess Piña, although we have an agreement between our two nations, I wouldn't be so inclined to help. The Slayer is his own person therefore I really don't have a say in what he does."

Piña:"I understand that but don't you love the man!?"


Piña:"All I am asking is if you could get ahold of him somehow. Ask why he joins with the enemy. We do not wish to bring him harm....nor waste the lives of Imperial troops."

Tyuule:"What do you mean?"

Piña:"My father and I know full well what he is capable after hearing those reports of the failed attacks on your tribe. A single man holding the power of the Gods within his hands. Please, for everyone involved, help us prevent unnecessary bloodshed."

Rory:"It's best if you did listen to the Empire's request this one time."

Piña:"Not for the Empire but behalf of a daughter wanting to protect her father!"

Tyuule:"I see, I will do my best to find the Slayer. When I do, I will let you know, Princess."

Piña:"Thank you! Then we will be on our way."

Princess Piña and her entourage, successful in their quest, all got ready to leave the Warrior Bunny Tribe. Tyuule was concerned on what will happen next.

Doom Slayer x GATE:Thus the JSDF fought there. Where stories live. Discover now