Chapter 4

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"Baby, please tell your children to behave" Taylor's voice rang through the phone, Olivia hearing it from the other line.

"Attention, itty bitty pretty kitty committee. Leave your mother alone, come on" Dianna's playful voice replied from a distance, giggling, Taylor mumbles a 'thank you' after.

"Damn, mom duties, huh?" Olivia teased.

"Absolutely, they're adorable but violent" Taylor chuckled.

"Sounds like your children like her more" Olivia laughed at Taylor.

"Oh, they sure like their mama a lot..." you could easily picture Taylor smile while saying those words.

As Taylor watched her playful cats, she couldn't help but share more about their antics.

"You won't believe what they did yesterday," Taylor began, her voice full of amusement.

Olivia leaned in, eager to hear the latest feline escapade. "Tell me, I'm all ears."

Taylor recounted the story, "So, they managed to open the treat jar, and by the time I found them, they were having a little feast. It was a treat heist, Liv!"

Olivia burst into laughter, imagining the cats' mischievous act. "Your kids are quite the troublemakers, huh?"

"They sure are, but I wouldn't have it any other way," Taylor replied, a fondness for her cats evident in her voice.

"Don't worry, Liv. Tree offered to help minimize the rumors"

"Tree?! Is she sure?!?"

"Of course, as I was also there with my not-so-secret girlfriend on the very night. She'll be in contact with your team anyway." Taylor casually said.

Fucking paps.

• • • • •

It was days later since Gracie ever contacted her. So much for not leaving in the morning, so she left the night instead, after she said those very words.

Olivia stared at their instagram dms. Hoping to see those three dots that dances whenever the person on the other line ever decides to give you a text message.

As Olivia continued to stare at her Instagram DMs, her anxiety grew. She had left a message for Gracie days ago, and the anticipation of a response was eating at her. The three dancing dots remained conspicuously absent.

She knew Gracie's unpredictable schedule, but the silence felt unusual. The last conversation they had was filled with laughter and plans to catch up soon. Olivia couldn't help but wonder if something had changed or if Gracie was caught up in something important.

Unable to bear the uncertainty any longer, Olivia decided to send another message. She typed, "Hey, Gracie! Just checking in. It's been a few days, and I miss our chats. Hope everything's okay on your end."

With a sigh of relief, she hit send. As the message was sent, Olivia couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and worry. She checked her phone more frequently than usual, hoping to see Gracie's response. Time seemed to slow as she waited.

Hours turned into a day, and still, there was no sign of a reply from Gracie. Olivia's concern grew, and she began to replay their last conversation in her mind, wondering if something she had said might have upset her friend.

In an attempt to distract herself from the uncertainty, Olivia spent time with her own pets, finding solace in their companionship. But her thoughts kept returning to Gracie and their unexplained silence.

As another day passed, Olivia's phone finally lit up with a notification. Her heart raced as she saw Gracie's name on the screen. She quickly opened the message, hoping for an explanation or at least a sign that the girl was alright.

The message from Gracie read, "Hey Olivia! I'm so sorry for the delay in responding. Things got a little crazy on my end. No need to worry, I'm okay. Let's catch up soon. Miss you too!"

Reading Gracie's response brought a wave of relief over Olivia. She quickly typed back, "Phew, I was getting a bit concerned. I'm glad to hear you're okay."

"Hehe, miss me that much?" a response was received by Olivia.

"Obviously lol"

"Well, i miss u too! yk i saw this keychain that i think you'd really like :D"

A picture of a dog keychain was sent after the very message.


"good to know that u like it ;')"

Olivia hadn't even noticed that she was smiling so hard whilst typing on her phone, and most importantly, she hadn't noticed Reneé's frame in front of her as the other girl smirked and crossed her arms, Conan laughing on the other side of the couch.

"Ehem..." Reneé coughed, smirking. Hearing it, Olivia quickly looked up, with her eyebrows raising and teeth biting her own lips. She hummed, "Hm?"

"What's got you smiling like that, bro?" Reneé teased, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Conan laughed, opening his mouth to say something but Olivia threw a pillow towards his face, hitting him.

"Graceful as ever, Liv" Conan teased.

"Shut up"

"You truly are a grace in one's presence, Li-" and with that Olivia grabbed another pillow and smacked Conan's head with it.

"What? Is their name like Grace or Gracie, or something?" Reneé scoffed, making Olivia's head snap back to her direction as Conan hooted.

"You guys suck."

Olivia rolled her eyes and decided to play along with their teasing. "Alright, fine, you got me," she admitted, feigning annoyance. "It's just Gracie. We were chatting, and she sent me a picture. That's why I was smiling."

Conan and Reneé exchanged mischievous glances before Conan chimed in, "Well, tell the love of your life that I wanna hang out again once she's in LA"

Reneé added, "Include me or I will cry myself to sleep"


• • • • •

Gracie, on her end, had been dealing with a hectic work schedule and personal commitments that left her with little time to check her messages. She had felt a pang of guilt when she saw Olivia's follow-up message and realized how much her silence had worried the other girl.

As Gracie read Olivia's response to the dog keychain, a warm smile crept across her face. She had always been good at picking out thoughtful gifts, and it pleased her to know that Olivia liked it.

Quickly writing a reply, the dressing room's door opened, revealing her manager.

"We're on air in five minutes..."

Nodding, Gracie turned off her phone and left it on the table, taking a huge breath as she eases her nervousness for the show.

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