Chapter 3

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As they sat in the cozy corner of a late-night diner, the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable. They were laughing and talking, and Gracie's gaze couldn't help but stay on Olivia. Olivia noticed it and looked back, her face reddened.

"You know," Gracie began, her voice tinged with a hint of seriousness, "I have to apologize for that morning. I didn't mean to leave so abruptly."

Is this girl a mind reader? What the fuck-

Olivia's heart skipped a beat, and she tried to hide her surprise. She hadn't expected Gracie to bring up the topic so directly. Conan and Taylor exchanged a knowing glance but remained quiet, giving the two women their space.

Taylor practically cheered as the two girls talked in front of her and Conan. Gracie already told the story to her long before the Eras Tour. She has been waiting for this moment in her life. It was her speciality; being a wingman.

Taylor's phone chimed, it was Dianna's message.

Dianna did actually come to the concert earlier, Olivia shared a small conversation with her. But Mama Andrea was feeling a little bit tired and wanted to go back to their hotel room, so Dianna offered to take her and feed the cats while she's at it, while Taylor catches up with the others.

'HI BABUUU, WAIT FOR ME PLEASE 🙏🏻 I already fed the children hehe, I am also already at the entrance, I love youuuu babuu 💕'


Her eyes sparkled mischievously, quickly replying,

'Alrighttt! I'll meet u at the front, I love you too bunnyyyy 🐰'

Then, getting up and announced, "Dianna's already at the front, I'll go fetch her real quick" she smiled at the two, then Conan, giving him a quick look that basically said, 'You can come with, if you'd like'.

Which, honestly, it was more like, "PLEASE COME WITH, I WANT THIS SHIP TO SET SAIL"

Conan seemingly got the message, he also got up from his seat to say, "I'll join you, I also needed some fresh air" A blatant fucking lie.

As much as he wanted to stay and watch all the drama and rainbows (gayness) going on, he knew they wouldn't be able to let out some details if he stays there.

"Perfect, let's go" And then they both walked out. Just like that.

Both girls shared a few seconds of silence after the two left.

"Uh- okay so," Gracie, being the one who breaks the silence, bit her lip, afraid of what Olivia has to say. Oh dear lord, give me some strength.

Olivia cleared her throat, her nerves resurfacing. "It's okay, Gracie. I understand if you had other commitments."

Gracie looked directly into Olivia's eyes, her expression sincere. "It wasn't that. I was just... overwhelmed, I guess. Things got so intense that night, and I just needed some time to process it all. I'm sorry, again."

Intense... hehe, right. It was so intense that I had a "mosquito bite" on my neck the next morning, Olivia thought.

Olivia nodded, a mix of relief and curiosity washing over her. "I totally get it. It was unexpected for the both of us."

Gracie's lips curled into a soft smile. "Unexpected, but not necessarily a bad thing." She took a deep breath. "Olivia, I want you to know that I really like you. Like, a lot."

Talk too much || Gracie/OliviaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant