Chapter 7

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After a very long conversation with my mom and then nyonika ma, we dropped them off at the airport.

"Shh why are you crying?" I hear manik

"I will miss them" I mumble

"You won't dude I got you" cabir say from the back seat making me smile a little

Manik wipes my tears smiling at me, I don't know why but his smile gives me comfort almost like I have known him forever

"Can we get ice cream Manu?" Cabir asks

"Sure, how does ice cream sound wifey?" He asks

"Yummy" I mumble licking my lips

"How about dinner too?" He asked

"What kind of dinner?" Both cabir and I ask at the same time causing us both to laugh

"Whatever the two of you want" manik says

"I want pizza, you?" Cabir asks me

"Pizza sounds good" I mumble

"How about we grab some pizza on the way home along with some ice cream" manik suggests

"Sure yeah that works" we both say

"Wait no, okay no I am not staying in tonight" cabir says all of a sudden

"why?" I ask turning around in my seat

"Hey, no turning like that and put the belt back on bacha, you'll get hurt" he mumbles making me pout a little

I grab the belt putting it on again sitting properly

"Well I am going out to party, you two can come with" cabir says

I don't say anything because I didn't want to go, I was so tired and sleepy

"It's fine, we will jsut stay in, is that okay Nandini?" He asks me and I nod

We picked up pizza for manik and I along with some ice cream on the way home. Cabir grabbed his keys as soon as we got home and hugging us both he left leaving manik and I alone at home.

"Mrs malhotra, you seem to be nervous around me" manik states as I turn around from the front door shutting it after cabir left

"Me, no I am no nervous" I lie

"Oh you are wifey but why so?" He asks


"Only truths nandini, one non-negotiable I have is lying, I don't lie and I don't want to be lied to, especially not about anything to do with you and I. Lying only creates misunderstandings and I don't want any of that in our relationship. Do you think thats fair?"

"Super fair" I mumble walking to him

"Good, now why are you so nervous?" He asks again

"Im not actually sure mhm it's a weird feeling" he nods patting the sofa beside him

I sit beside him, he grabs my hand caressing our wedding ring

"Do you like it?" He asks looking at the ring on my finger

"I do, it's beautiful, I like how it's not too flashy and how simple it is" I mumble

"Right, I love how you can actually wear it everyday instead of once in a while"

"You want me to keep it on?" I ask

"If you can, I mean I would love to see it on your finger every day. I am keeping mine on too. However, this chuda, sindoor, suit and all, this is all up to you"

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