"We need a new lead. Like for example, the other three people he claimed to have killed." Jared agrees sadly.

"I'll convince Ben to join my alliance with Vance. We need info and before the experiments to start full swing again." Speaking softly on the way down, Jared nods to Mick's idea before giving Ben a call. Hearing him answer, Mick passes along the plan and what Lexa is feeling through the connection.

"Okay. Text me Vance's number. Anything to help our kids." Ben agrees.

"Sounds good. Thank you, Ben."

"Thank you for including me before I get fired. Might as well go out with a bang, eh?" Ben chuckles.

"True. I'm sorry about this."

"It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault either. Anyways, I'm pulling up. Protect me if I go to jail."

"Always." Mick rolls her eyes amused.


Listening to Ben's voicemail about the missing passengers and needing help, Vance calls Ben back in his office, and helps guide him to finding the possible new locations. Helping Ben on the government side, such as UDS phone traces, and lending Fiona a bug to listen in on a meeting including any phone calls made, Fiona walks out innocently.

While everything takes place, Mick and Jared follows the clues Harvey left them and his thinking about being the 'Angel of Death'.

Don't lose them.

Mick hears as Harvey's case comes to a close along with the three people who died by unlikely incidents that had nothing to do with him. When hearing the calling, and knowing full well that Lexa did as well, Mick steps outside the police station and calls Ben for an update. Reaching his voicemail, Mick asks him to call her back and hangs up in time to receive a call from Grace.

"Hey, Grace." Mick greets.

"Lourdes and I bumped into each other at the grocery store. Are you sure you are over Jared?" Grace asks straight to the point.

"Mostly, yes. I'm happy for him and Lourdes, they deserve each other. Why?"

"They are trying to have a child, Mick." Grace explains.

"Good on them. I'm thankful to have Lex. I don't need a guy or a girl, to tell me that every day." Mick chuckles, "Plus, with everything going on, it would be difficult to have a relationship."


"Thank you for telling me, Grace. I'm thankful for you too."

"Lexa turned you mushy today, didn't she?"

"I have no idea." Mick laughs with Grace, "We stopped off at the school today. Cal and Olive are watching over her."

"Good. I reminded Cal when I dropped them off early, before starting my day." Grace sighs, "They would be just going onto lunch right now."

"Should I text Olive, just to check in?"

"I think you should." Grace admits.


Back at the schools, Olive walks into the cafeteria with her friends, and sits down with her food and phone. Spotting Cal walking in, Olive calls him over.

"Join us, Cal." Olive smiles. Once her brother is seated, Olive and their friends start to trade food around to bring back their memories before 828. Olive however grows worried because Lexa hasn't arrived yet, "I'm going to check on Lexa." Olive whispers to Cal who nods, "You stay here just in case." Getting to her feet and taking her phone with her, Olive walks into the elementary school section.

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