Broken trust

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This was the slowest week ever.

School was even worse.
I just wanted someone to hold me in their arms and whisper it's okay.

I came home from school and ran to my room.

Poor thing must have had a tough day at school.

I'm gonna go check on her Frida said.

I was sobbing on my pillow.

Tell me this doesn't have anything to do with school.

I broke Agnetha's trust in me.
School is getting worse and even worse I smoke another cigarette to take away the pain.

She won't forgive me if she found out I did it again.

You got to be honest with her.

I went downstairs.

I had an awful day at school so I smoked to take away the pain.

Oh my god she said.
I'm sorry it's just I...


She finally yelled at me. 

You want my trust back but you aren't doing anything to earn it.

I started sobbing right then and there.

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