Telling them

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Frida and Agnetha came in my room with the test I left on the counter.

Lindsay honey?
You want to talk?

When did you find out?

Before you went on your date.
I was going to tell you before you left but I thought I would ruin everything.

How sweetie?
Eric my new boyfriend and I we did it and if you ground me, yell at me or even disown me I'll understand.

Lindsay we aren't going to disown you.
We will work through this.

I mean we would be lying if we said we weren't disappointed Lindsay.
But we can get through this.

Are you mad at me?
No of course not.
We are just disappointed in you for not coming to us about thinking of having unprotected sexual relations.

Do you want us to stay with you tonight?

Yes please do.

Lindsay why did you do it sweetie?
Because I wanted to have a baby this whole time I just gave up because I knew if I did you would be disappointed.

It's okay sweetheart.

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