Paya 🌸" I asked and my mom said I could if Impa and Purah's mom agrees. 🙂"

Zelda "Great.. I need to take a nap.. Didn't sleep well so I'll talk to you later."*

I turn off my phone completely before they answer so I can sleep without interruption. I'm too tired to leave the couch so I decided to just fall asleep.

I wake in a cold sweat, my heart pounding against my chest, tears running down the sides of my face. "Zelda! What's wrong?!!?" Father asks running into the room. "Oh my gods...I'm alright... It was just a nightmare." I gasp, sitting up, starting to sob. "Oh.. Zelda.." He mutters taking a seat on the couch. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to frighten you." I mumble, hugging him tightly. "Don't be. You've been through a traumatic experience and you're going to need time to heal.." he says calmly, hugging me back. I don't answer, I just sit there and try to suppress my sobs. "Zelda.. I think you should leave for England in two days.. I feel it would be best. Have your friends answered?"

"I don't know.. I should check... and tell them the date change..." I say letting go of him. He nods standing. "I'll be in my study."

"Alright." I grumble laying back down. I grab my phone, turning it back on. I open my texts to find many responses.

*Imp 😈" Bye Zelds 😄 love ya."

pUrAh 🧪"Nighty Night Zel Zel!"

Paya 🌸"It makes sense why you didn't sleep well. Hope you sleep better this time."* I smile, feeling a bit better.

*Zelda" thank you but it might have been worse... I had a nightmare and... well we will actually be leaving in two days... Can you guys come or not?"

Lonk 😎" My mom said I could.. If my dad agrees, he just got home so I'll ask him right now, give me a sec."

Zelda" Ok thank you... For being on top of things 😊"

Imp 😈" I CAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉 🎉"

pUrAh 🧪"YEA!!!! Which means Paya can go!"

Paya 🌸" Yup I just got the news from my mom! Very excited, can't wait for Zelda to show us around 🙂"

Zelda"now we are waiting for you Link."

Lonk 😎"I can go.. But I have to pay for my flight."

Zelda".... Actually no one has to... My father owns a private jet..."

Lonk 😎" really???????????!!!!!!! Cool! See you in two days 😁"*

I smile, setting my phone down. I get up walking to fathers study.

I knock on the door. "Come in." I hear him call from the other side of the door. I enter with an excited smile on my face. "All of them can go." I smile brightly. "That's great." he smiles going back to his work. "You really want me to go.. Don't you..?" I mutter seeing the look on his face. "No, I want you to stay... but I believe this is what's best for you... your mother would have wanted you to go." he answers looking into my eyes. "Thank you..." I smile closing the door behind me as I leave the room.

☀️Two days latter ☀️

I stand outside my house with Father, waiting for the car to pull up with my friends, my luggage already inside. I start to rock back and forth on the balls of my feet in anticipation. "Nervous?" father asks. "Just a little." I nod. "No need to be." He smiles, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You're right.." I answer with a small sigh, right as the limo pulls up. I jump up and down with excitement as the driver gets out of the car. "Miss." He says opening the door for me. "Wow, so fancy." I hear Impa say as I get in the car. "EEEEEEK!!!" Purah screams, giving me a tight hug as I sit down next to her. "Hey Purah." I laugh as the driver closes the door. "Z-z-zelda, it's s-s-so great to see y-y-you." Paya smiles sweetly. "And you." I smile as she sits next to me. "Alright alright!! My turn to say hello!" Impa says angrily. "Hello to you too." I laugh, giving her a playful grin. "Hey.." Link smiles tilting his head to the side. "Hi." I smile, my cheeks turning a light red.

Never Together (Rewritten) ||Modern AU ZelinkWhere stories live. Discover now