and what's yours is mine

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For as much as Pac would love to say that life had been unkind to him, that the world had tried to throw more than its fair share of bullshit his way over the years, he had to admit that he must have done something right somewhere along the way to end up in the situation he was currently in. Pac was a bastard man through and through but the two bright souls that he was currently entangled with, admittedly, made life worth it.

There were differences between Elizabeth and Sami, far more than the obvious physical ones, but at the end of the day, they were both kindhearted, radiant, and affectionate people with more love in their hearts than anyone deserved. Pac understood that he was lucky to be the one that they had taken an interest in. Looking at them now, his gaze shifting slowly between them, Pac had to admit that he did, indeed, have a type. Perhaps not physically, but there was quite obviously a certain personality that drew him in.

He was sure that there was some deeper meaning to it, some psychological explanation as to why he had the tendency to subconsciously seek out partners (platonically, romantically, or sexually) who were so very different from him, but quite frankly, Pac didn't give a shit about any of that. He wouldn't have cared under normal circumstances and he sure as fuck didn't care right now.

Not when Elizabeth and Sami were both looking at him with such hungry, eager expressions as they awaited his command.

"And just what the hell am I supposed to do with the two of ya, huh? I never thought such an opportunity would present itself to me," Pac hummed as he switched his gaze between the two. "This? This is a special occasion that could never be so perfect with anyone else."

Or rather, it was something that merely couldn't occur with anyone else. The one and only person that Pac was willing to share his girlfriend with was Sami and he was positive that Elizabeth didn't have a list of people she'd want to bring in for a situation such as this. In fact, the only person that he could think of that Elizabeth would want to fuck that wasn't in the room with them was – well, this certainly wasn't the time to be thinking of him, was it?

"I've got to say, I never thought it'd happen," Sami admitted. There was a fire in his eyes, a look on his face that Pac hadn't seen in a very long time. "I'd given up on the idea of us ever... Ah, well, you know what? None of that really matters, does it? We're here, we're going to do this, and–"

"Sami. You're rambling again," Pac's voice was firm as he looked up at the other man. If he didn't stop Sami now then he knew that it was entirely possible that he just kept going, and going, and going. "We're not here to talk, are we?"

"... No, we're not," Sami's voice was quieter this time and Pac watched in amusement as Sami swallowed down the lump in his throat. "We're here to fuck. Simple as that, eh?"

That was what Pac had wanted to hear from him. While Sami's tangents and rambling were endearing (typically – he did have the tendency to draw things out for a bit too long at times) during their normal conversations, this was neither the time nor place for that. As Sami had said, they were there to fuck, and Pac didn't see much use in putting it off any longer.

"Simple as that," Pac cracked a smirk as he placed a hand on the collar of Sami's dorky band shirt and pulled him closer.

Something about Sami had always been so familiar, from the way he spoke to the way he dressed. Having him so close now, their faces inches apart, Pac couldn't help the fleeting thought of how there was so much facial hair between them now, their beards both so thick and full, when they'd met all those years ago with Pac's face clean-shaven and Sami's beard considerably shorter.

A lot had changed since then. They had matured as men and as performers. They'd traveled the world, made names for themselves, and learned far more about life than they had ever expected to. They had grown as close as two friends ever could and then they had drifted apart for the better part of a decade. With encouragement from the woman of Pac's dreams, their relationship had been mended and even strengthened.

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