play nice

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Company parties were always one of Pac's least favorite functions to attend. The man wasn't exactly known for being social and times such as this forced him into a role that he was not necessarily suited for.

However, when the man signing your checks tells you that your attendance is mandatory at the dinner party between talent of All Elite Wrestling and New Japan Pro Wrestling, well, what choice do you have?

"Oh, ya have got to be fuckin' kidding me," Pac's laugh was filled more with annoyance than anything. "However did we get to be so fuckin' lucky?"

The table that Pac, Elizabeth, Penta, and Rey had all been led to was identical to the others in the room, large and circular. What made their placement insufferable, though, was the men who sat waiting for them.

"Hey, Liz!" Will fucking Ospreay called out to Elizabeth with a smug grin on his lips. "Never thought we'd get seated together!"

"It is pretty fuckin' lucky, if you ask me," Mark Davis chuckled from Will's side.

Pac had known that they would be seated with workers from NJPW, but did Tony Khan truly hate them enough to place them with part of the fucking United Empire? As Pac's eyes scanned across Will, Mark, and Kyle, it was as if he could feel his blood pressure rising.

The night was only going to get worse, Pac knew that. Alex wouldn't be joining them until a bit later in the evening, once he finished filming a few videos for AEW's various social media platforms.

When Elizabeth took one of Pac's hands into her own and gave it a gentle squeeze, it did little to alleviate the tension building in his shoulders. No peace would come for Pac until one of two things happened: Pac and Elizabeth were able to leave, or Pac knocked that infuriating expression off Will's face.

Seeing as Pac wasn't looking to get on Tony's shit list by fucking up one of New Japan's top stars, the latter wasn't really much of an option.

"I'll sit by Ospreay," Penta whispered to Pac. For as much as the two liked to tease one another, like the brothers they were, they stuck together whenever times got tough. "Save you the trouble."

"And I'll sit by Fletcher," Rey said quietly, leaning in closer to Pac and Penta. "That'll keep you and Liz as far away from them as possible."

Although there certainly wasn't any possibility that Will or his friends heard the conversation between the members of Death Triangle, Will still opened his stupid mouth.

"Come on, Liz, sit," Will pulled out the chair beside him as he spoke. "No use in standing around and waiting on ya boys, huh?"

"I'd say they'll start serving the food soon," Elizabeth said to Pac, Penta, and Rey. "We really should sit."

"The chairs are pretty comfortable, bruvs," Kyle remarked with a toothy grin.

"Speak for yourself," Mark laughed. "My fuckin' ass hurts."

"Yeah, because you fuckin' busted it during our match with FTR, dumbass," Kyle playfully shoved his tag partner's shoulder.

"Ahh, fuck the little details."

Before Penta had a chance to take the seat at Will's side, much to Pac's chagrin, Elizabeth had already sat down. Will shot Pac an obviously well-meaning smile that wasn't missed by Penta or Rey, if their quiet scoffs were any indication.

Pac took a moment to regain his composure. He was not going to let that little shit get the upper hand and he sure as fuck wasn't going to let Will know that he was irking him.

"Let's have a grand fuckin' time, eh, boys?" Pac wore a confident smirk as he pulled out the seat at Elizabeth's other side. "It's not everyday we get to enjoy the presence of the Billy GOAT and Aussie Open!"

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