a little more

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The current situation that Pac found himself in was not one that he had anticipated, nor was it one that he knew how to properly handle. At this particular point, it wasn't a huge issue; more of a nagging trouble in the back of his mind. Something that he could push away when he thought of it.

"... I don't think he's paying attention to us," Although Pac could recognize what Penta had said, he didn't think too much about it.

"He– Hey, he's not!" Nor did he think too much about Rey's whining.

All three members of Death Triangle were currently unloading their gear from Rey's trunk and preparing to head into the arena for that day's tapings. Pac had slung his bag over his shoulder without much concern before pulling his phone out of his pocket and accessing his messaging application.

There were several different people who popped up on his recent messages, two of whom were standing beside him; more importantly though, at the top, his most recently texted person...

"He's on his phone," Penta gave a short laugh. "He's too busy, it seems."

Pac clicked on the name reading Elizabeth W. and hovered his thumbs over the keyboard. At the top of the screen was a small version of the picture Pac had chosen the previous week to be her contact image in his phone: a selfie that Elizabeth had sent him of her holding her cat, a gray, long-haired boy by the name of Meatball. Pac's eyes scanned over the messages he had received only four minutes ago, replies to their current conversation.

You made it to the arena yet? That was the first one.

We haven't. Jack's lost his boots. The second and final message, followed by an emoji of a woman smacking her face with her palm.

Pac's brows scrunched just slightly. He wasn't the biggest fan of Jungle Boy, mainly due to the fact that the younger male didn't have much of a spine. Jack preferred to avoid confrontations and just took things in stride, refusing to stand up for himself.

Some might have made the assumption that Pac was jealous of the closeness between Jack and Elizabeth but that wasn't the case at all. Anyone could tell that Jack had feelings for Elizabeth, but something that was equally apparent was that she did not feel the same way about him. Jack was one of her favorite people, there was no denying that, but he was nothing more than a good friend.

We're here. Tell Tarzan boy not to lose his shit. Pac wasn't as quick at typing text replies as Elizabeth was, but he could still get a response out in a timely manner. He watched as the message was sent and then marked as delivered.

"Do you think he'd notice if we left him?" Rey's question was met with a side-eyed glance from Pac. "He's not looked up in..."

"I'm doing just fine, Fenix," Pac said. He spared one last glance at his messaging screen, but upon realizing that Elizabeth hadn't read his message yet, Pac decided to lock the device and lower his hand down to his side. "I can hear ya, ya know."

"He finally speaks!" Penta clapped as Rey closed the trunk and locked the car. "To us, that is. Here I thought you only cared about Elizabeth."

Penta was trying to get a rise out of him. Pac knew that much to be fact.

It had been a couple of months now since Pac and Elizabeth had first fucked, and they'd been talking rather consistently ever since then. Twitter had been their primary means of communication at first, then they had exchanged actual phone numbers.

Since then, the Lucha Brothers had been making it their goal in life to give Pac pure hell because of it. Each and every time that they caught him on his phone, it seemed, they had to make some sort of comment.

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