[CHAPTER 10]- "Hit"

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"You two are dismissed" he said pointing at Kai and Hak. They both left. Now we were completely alone.

And he began-
Takemichi's Pov:

"I got told that you can't fight that well" he said, it's true. I can't. I'm weak. I just nodded, which made him continue.

"You have also lost your family" I nodded again, because yes...they are dead.

"If you want to get strong, want to get trained by me and maybe even want to get revenge and make them pay" Yes I want to make them pay, they shall pay the price for hurting me.

"You must be aware that I ain't gonna be all friendly with you, I may even hit you or scream at you but you just need to follow my orders and everything will be fine. I'll be doing this harsh training to get you strong!" Hit me? Scream at me? He wants to get me to be strong so be it!

" Do you accept?"

" Yes"

"Call me Sir"

"Yes sir" I answered, it made him smile.

"Get up and Go Kai and Hak are gonna show you your room." I nodded and got up, just as I was about to reach the door he called me.

"Didn't you forget anything?" I turned around.

"Bow down to your Boss!" And with that I bowed 90° degree. He smirked satisfied.

"Great job, always remember to bow when you see me or leave me! You are gonna get your name for this!"
My name?

Hat? Why Hat?

"Hmmm, it sounds okay but Hak already sounds so similar so you are gonna go with Hit!" Hit?

"You seem confused why your name is Hit?! Well it's like that with anyone. The first letter of your last name, then an a and then the first letter of your first name." So Kai and Hak aren't there real names?

"But since I don't like Hat, I'm gonna go with Hit. I'm only gonna call you by that name, since you are now a member, everyone is gonna call you that." Now I understand!

"Now leave"

"Yes sir" I said and bowed down before leaving. This made the Boss smile. When I got outside i saw Kai and Hak already waiting for me.

"Your name?" Kai asked.

"Hit" It still sounded weird for me. I must say that Kai has gotten the best name out of us three.

"Nice" Hak said.

"Follow us, Hit" Kai said, I then followed them as they lead me to a room.

"This is your room" Hak said, I nodded and walked in. I them told them goodbye, closed the door and sat down on my bed. It's soft. I like it. I layed on the bed and tried not to fall asleep.
Who knows what these guys are gonna still want from me?

Suddenly I heard a knock. I sat up on the bed and walked to the door to open it. I opened the door to see Hak.

"Dinner is ready" I only nodded and followed him to the elevator, we drove all the way down. It's weird it seems like all the rooms of the other members arent on the highest floor, just mine and the boss's. Or so I think.

Hak guided me to a table, where I saw Kai and another person sitting. Other members were sitting at different tables. I sat down beside Kai and Hak sat down beside the person.

"This is the new member" Hak introduced me to the masked boy.

"The names Sah" the boy introduced himself. Seems like he isn't very talkative.

"Hit, I'm Hit." I answered, he then just nodded. For dinner we ate ramen. I've got no idea how Sah was able to finish before all of us. He literally is wearing a face mask, so how did he eat that fast without taking his mask off?!

Like seriously I didn't see anything, did he used some magic shit?

After dinner we all went back to our rooms. I mean most of us. Some members had some missions while other members went training. I went to my room and straight up fell into my bed. I drifted off to sleep pretty fast. It was a quite and peaceful night, or so I thought~

I woke up the next morning pretty tired. And no it wasn't the sun who woke me up, like she does in movies. No! It was a loud morning at 4am. I woke up due someone knocking at my door. Tired as fuck, I walked to door to see Sah standing there.

"Boss told me, that you should meet him in sporty clothes in his office."

"Thanks Sah" I answered him, he then walked off. I quickly changed and just brushed my hair real quick and then ran fast as fuck to boss's office. I knocked and got called in. I opened the door and walked in a bit, I then bowed in front of him and greeted him.

"Morning Sir"


"You called me?" I said questioning.


Sorry for not updating♡♡♡

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