[CHAPTER 1] - Meeting

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Takemichi's Pov:

I don't know why Mikey called us. It's unusual, the meeting is usually tomorrow, but whatever maybe it's something important, I mean he didn't even let me speak. It kinda annoyes me, because I'm suppose to have a date with Hina today. I hope I can make it and the meeting isn't that long. But if it is.... Then it is, then I have to apologize to Hina.


Takemichi's Pov:

'I'm so happy today I'm going on a date with Hina! I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend! This will be the best date ever! We will be going to an amusement park, we will eat ice cream and after that we are going to the movies! It will be amazing! I bet she will like it!'

I then hear my phone ringing and slowly look at the ID hoping it's not Hina and she calls me to cancel the date. No it's not her, it's Mikey-kun.
'What could he want?'


"Ahhh Takemichi, we have a very important meeting in half an hour. Sorry that I tell you it that late! But it's really important, we have found out who the mole is!" Mikey-kun said.

"Oh! So who is the mole?!" I ask him, the mole has been giving information about our strategy to Valhalla.

"You will see!"

"Come on Mikey-kun!"

"Nope, see you in half an hour!" He says and with that he closes the call.

'Oh man, he closed the call. I know I have a date with Hina, but I really want to know who the mole is. Okay okay lets see!' I then look at the time, 2pm (14:00). Mine and Hina's date is in two hours. 'That could still work! I just have to hope the meeting isn't that long and I have to just hurry to get back!' I then stood up and pick up my jacket and then walk to the door to get to the meeting.

-Flashback end-

'I have to hurry, I have 10 minutes left before the meeting starts. I already tried to call Hina but she isn't picking up, I forgot our meeting place! I'm so dumb. I'm almost there.' I then walk to the meeting, I see that everyone is already here. I look at the time. 'Puhh I'm not late!'

"Ahh Takemichi you're here!" Mikey-kun says. I nodd and walk towards to Chifuyu to stand next to him.

"Yo Partner!" Chifuyu says and gives me a fistbump.

"Hey!" I say. I'm happy to see him, we have been good friends recently.

The others also chat a bit and then Mikey-kun starts the meeting.

"So I called all of you here, as you know because we found out, who the mole is!"

The others then start whispering, about who the mole is. 'But who is the mole?'

"I'll call out the mole now! Hanagaki Takemichi step forward!"

'Huh?! Me?!' I slowly walk forward, everyone around me then starts whispering.

"I'm not the mole!" I tell them.

"SHUT UP!" Mikey-kun says angry, the others also give me angry looks. Even Chifuyu....

"Hanagaki Takemichi you are expelled from Toman, pack your stuff and leave!" Mikey-kun yells for everyone to hear.

"But-" I try to protest but Mikey interrupts me.

"No! Shut up, you betrayed Toman and shall pay!" 'But I didn't betray them'

They then walk to me and start to beat me up. 'It hurts! I didn't do anything!' They always yell that this is what I have to pay.

'Me? Pay? I will let them pay the price for what they did to me! The shall pay the price! I'll show them. I will get revenge.' It hurts me the most that Chifuyu beat me up with them. I thought we were friends...

It seems like I'm wrong...

Words: 647

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