"Oh my god.." I smile

"No way.." Daryl says

Everyone quickly sits down and starts to pour themselves glasses of wine and starts to eat.

A little while later

Everyone is talking and laughing, enjoying dinner.

"Y'know, In italy...children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France" Dale says with a smile as he pours and hands Lori her glass.

"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France he can have some then" Lori says

"What's it gonna hurt? Come on. Come on!" Rick smiles

She raises her eyebrows and smiles then shrugs.

"Alright" she says

"Ayee!" T-dog and the others cheer

Dale pours a little wine into a cup and holds it out to Carl.

"There you are, young man" Dale smiles

Carl grabs the cup and slowly takes a small sip.

"Eww!" His face scrunches up

"That's my boy. That's my boy. Good boy" Lori pats his back

Lori takes his cup and pours the wine into her glass.

"That's nasty" Carl says

I chuckle then look up at everyone with a smile.

"Just stick to soda pop, bud" Shane says

"Not you Glenn." Daryl speaks up

Both Glenn and I look up at Daryl with confused expressions.

"What?" Glenn smiles

"Keep drinking little man. I wanna see how red your face can get" Daryl says

Everyone laughs while Glenn rolls his eyes and laughs too.

Rick taps his fork against his glass to silence everyone.

"It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly" Rick says

"He is more than just our host" T-dog raises his glass

Everyone cheers and raises their glasses too.

"Booyah!" Daryl smiles and raises his bottle

"Booyah!" I chuckle and raise my glass

I glance down to take a sip from my glass but catch a glimpse of Daryl in the corner of my eye.

His shirt is lifted slightly from his arm being lifted up, revealing a bit of skin and his happy trail.

His gun is tucked into his pants in the front, under the buckle of his belt.

I blush and gulp then look down at the ground.

He joins my side again and leans back on the counter while taking a swig from his wine bottle.

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