"November 14th would give us a better timeframe to plan this properly." Vivianna tried to suggest but saw the looks on Haylan and Blaise's faces.

"You are trying to torture me aren't you, My Emperor?" Narcissa sighed in defeat.

"I would never want such a thing Narcissa. But there is a reason Blaise and I provided the framework for the weddings before approaching you. I know a fortnight isn't very long to put to finishing touches on the weddings, but the sooner the better." Haylan tried to sympathize with the plight he was putting them through.

"Plus the 15th is a Wednesday," Blaise said cheerfully.

"Why does that matter?" Draco asked confused.

"Our first real date was June 18th, a Wednesday, and we tend to have our weekly dates since being betrothed every Wednesday," Haylan said with a soft smile.

"Plus that means we can have our real ceremony with our family on Wednesday night and the wedding for the masses on Saturday giving some time for our new bond to settle and cement itself." Blaise happily informed them.

Narcissa and Vivianna looked defeated but Andromeda just looked amused.

"You two should have expected this," Andromeda informed them, making Sirius laugh.

"Those who aren't helping plan the ceremonies will be assisting me by taking over some of my smaller duties so I can help Narcissa and Vivianna with the planning," Haylan said looking over at the group standing along the wall.

"Uh... like what?" Draco asked nervously.

"Correspondence and paperwork mostly. Those take up a large chunk of my day and can be temporarily delegated to others, anything that is extremely important can be passed along to me to deal with but I do want to take this time to focus on Blaise and me." Haylan reached out and held Blaise's hand as he spoke, feeling giddy inside that their plans were finally coming together. They were going to be married in two weeks' time and they never had to leave each other's side again afterward. The next fourteen days would be hard as they hashed out all the minor details of two different weddings, posting invitations to their big ceremony on October 18th, planning out security details, improving the wards, and so much more than Blaise or Haylan expected to need.

Their biggest hang-up was the colors for their private ceremony. When Blaise and Haylan agreed to use just their house colors they had forgotten just how many houses Haylan represented as either Lord or Heir of the line. Blaise's was easy to plan as he only had the green and gold of the House of Zabini. Haylan had a mess of colors even if he only included the houses he was Lord over and not the heir of. Caliban was black and violet, Black was silver and black, Potter was bronze and red, Peverell was bronze and black, and finally, Slytherin was of course green and grey.

It was actually Sirius that came up with the right solution that they could all agree to.

Blaise would wear dark green robes with runes etched in real gold to represent his house. Haylan would wear black robes with bronze and silver runes to represent Black, Caliban, Peverell, Slytherin, and Potter, the red of Potter was already represented with Haylan's hair, and his green eyes would be enough for Slytherin, and the rest of the accessories and jewelry that Haylan wore would be in violet for Caliban.

To make it easy for their family that would be attending the private ceremony they would just wear their formal robes in their own house colors as well. Narcissa wasn't entirely pleased with how uncoordinated their private wedding would be, but she got to take revenge with the monochromatic theme of the public wedding.

Everything had been planned, from the food to the music.

It was time.

They gathered around the runic circle that Haylan had carved into the fresh earth earlier that day as the sun had started to set, letting the runes activate under the dying light from that day.

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