chapter two - hanging out

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Me and Mal have been walking for a bit. I have no idea where he's bringing me, but I have a feeling it's somewhere I wouldn't go on my own.


After walking some more, we made it to an extremely run-down part of town: old houses that are falling apart with boards across windows that have been shattered. Most of them looked abandoned. It reminds me of the neighbourhood where I grew up. Crappy, rundown, disgusting houses in a fucked-up area of town

"So, Y/N, have you ever been to this part of town?"

"Not specifically here, but I've been to a few neighbourhoods like it."

"Really? I didn't think the same goodey two-shoes that walked into the office this morning would ever step foot in these areas of town."

"Looks can be deceiving sometimes. And for the record, I wasn't always a goodey two-shoes."

"Yeah, right, you look like the A+ student stereotype: prim and perfect, never gotten in trouble, and never plan too."

"Just because I'm like that now doesn't mean I was always like that. I used to be an absolute demon child."

"Okay then, if you were such a bad kid, what's the worst thing you've ever done?"

While he said that, he stopped and turned to face me, moving closer towards me until I was backed up into a wall.

"The worst thing I ever did was throw a chair out of a glass window, then proceed to throw two more chairs, one at my teacher and one at my principal at the time. I'm pretty sure that was in the 4th grade."

Mal backed up, started walking again, and then started talking again.

"Huh, I guess you weren't always little Miss Perfect."

"Told you so."

The rest of the walk was silent; it didn't take too long. We came up to an abandoned-looking house. It was grey and black on the outside, two stories up, and had strips of wood covering all the windows.

"We're here."

Mal said this while walking up the front steps. I followed behind him cautiously, studying my surroundings. We walked in the door, and there was a thick cloud of smoke in the air, bongs on the shelves of a bookcase in the same room, speakers blasting upstairs, and a sports game on the TV downstairs, with a few guys and girls sitting by it drinking beers and watching the game.

"Hey mal! Got a new girl already? Normally you wait at least a week before replacing them."

One of the guys on the couch yelled.

"She's not my girl; she's just someone I know. Come on, Y/N let's head upstairs."

As Mal went up the stairs, I followed him, trying not to seem as out of place as I am. This house is creeping me out. I feel like I'm being watched.

"Come on, there's a few people I want you to meet."

Mal said this while turning down the hall at the top of the stairs. He walked to the farthest door on the right, and there were four people sitting in a circle around a table. There were two guys and two girls who looked up at us when we walked in.

"Hey Mal, Are you going to introduce us to your new girl?"

"She's not my girl, but everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Carlos, James, Layla, and Sam."

They all said their own versions of hello before Mal and I sat down. I got to know them a lot better. I found out that Carlos and Sam are together, and we've all started to get along quite well. Everything was going great until I got a phone call from my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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